8 weeks since heart attack,, am I allowed this excitement of Scotland playing fitbaw today? Am I allowed to watch it ? I seen on the cardiac papers that we aren’t allowed bingo or fitbaw 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ Am I going to watch this beautiful game today ?? Dam right I am !! SCOTLAND 🏴!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 ( was also chuffed for England yesterday)
Mon Scotland !!! : 8 weeks since heart... - British Heart Fou...
Mon Scotland !!!
Cmon Czech Republic 🇨🇿 😂
Don’t you dare ! 😂😂😂😂
I always supported the Home Nations, until I realised that most of them want anyone BUT England to win, hence forth I adopted the same attitude ☺️
Unless Scotland play Wales, then I support the referee 🤣
Shocking Gaza just shocking 😂😂😂 I support Scotland obviously but I am British so Wales England is all the same home nations ! As long as that cup comes home to Britain I’ll be a happy bunny , but if it comes home to Scotland , well,, I’ll get the cup tattooed on my ass cheek ( once allowed due to blood thinners off course ) 😂😂😂🏴🏴🏴🏴

I've always seen myself as British living in the UK, love the Welsh, Irish, English and Scots. We are so intermingled living in any of those countries - we are all British. Please lets be one country
My dad used to say we are all one race - the human race.
Good luck in the match Scotland.

Good luck to you Notdead. Liam Cooper in defence yeh.
Shouldn’t be long, it is Scotland 😉
Omg man we are gona have to strip to the waste n fight like men soon if you keep this up 😂😂😂

Sorry for the delay. I had to have a CovID swab. When I reached 20 I stopped counting but must be approaching 50!
Joking apart you should contact your GP as it depends how serious your heart attack was, current exercise tolerance, blood pressure, how you react to stress, etc. Hopefully it will not be as dull as yesterday's kick about. My local National League South side are more exciting to watch!
Yesterday’s was dull wasn’t it until the goal then it perked up a bit , I’ve been for a twenty min power walk so I should be ok to watch it. Would love to have a wee beer while watching either to celebrate or drown my sorrows but alas that isn’t allowed I don’t think 🤔,, yikes @ your Covid swab !! Hope you are ok
moan scotland 🏴🏴🏴🏴

There's been another goal. Time to turn off your TVs!
I got a tad more aggressive than I should have and almost flew at the tv a few times hoping to place my hands around dykes neck ,, I even managed to to get questionable looks and terrified looks from my poor cat . What a shambles
15 minutes to go and Scotland 2 -0 down and I am watching in the Hotel we are staying in, in the bar in Scotland !! I haven't let on I am English but did get some strange looks when I jumped up and down when the Czechs scored twice LOL
Vaccinated twice to stay safe !!
Takes me back to when I was on holiday in Edinburgh during the World Cup in 1978. Was having a meal in a restaurant off Princes Street, when Scotland scored in their opening game against Peru, went for a walkabout and ended up going into The Caledonian at the end of Princes Street, game was over by this point and didn't know the score so while getting the drinks gently asked what the final score was - barman replied 3-1 to ******** Peru! Returned with drinks to the wife and explained locals not happy! Went to get another drink to be told we've shut! Tried to get a taxi back to our hotel but pitched battle in the middle of Princes Street so taxis not running - walked back to hotel - not the best night ☹️
To give Scotland a chance on Friday against England maybe Gareth Southgate should pick 11 volunteers off this forum to play against Scotland. Bagsy I play center forward…. I can do a 100 metres in under a minute ☺️😂

😂😂😂😂😂😂 i honestly have to comeback to that Just now 🥺🥺
As a uniped and disabled person I am entitled to a carer strengthening us to 12. If I pick a 6' 6" 21 stone one we can just about block the goal.
I fit that criteria apart from the height, can I wear platform shoes?🤔
Just got a mental picture of you and Michael together on the field. Don't think I can I can un think the vision.!!🙀x
I have done a mock up...
Michael you are too kind, it's many years since I looked that young & slim, though you of course haven't changed a bit. Where are the leather's???
This thread has taken a rather strange turn,, leathers ?? 😂😂😂😂😂 my visual of these things is not good for my bp 😂😂😳🏴🏴🏴🏴
I am a rocker, biker (hopefully not permantly ex) and 59 Club member. So a leather jacket with "Triumph", "Ace", etc. is par for the course. Goodness knows what you were thinking - best not to know... 🤣🤣🤣
Hopefully I don't end up needing a mobility scooter but if so it might be one of these:-

your asking for it matey🙏
NOT advised. Scottish football and heartbreak go hand in hand.
By the way - what was the goalkeeper doing on the halfway line? Did he not understand the concept of 'keeping goal'?
Shhhh Mike I’m trying not to think about it , dreading Friday 😂🏴🏴🏴
Best not they are going to lose anyway lol
My Scottish wife is refusing to watch the news this morning in case they show any of the match - and her heart is fine.
Unfortunately we are well used to these kind of things, losing, rain, midges, gales in July, wee Jimmy krankie 😱but we wouldn't change it for the world, well apart from krankie! , Mon the Scots at wembelee, kilts dusted down Jimmy hats at the ready a wee nip organised and we might even leave the goalposts alone this time 😊take care all and fellow Scots hearties watch the blood pressure char x
Yup you ate right, if we could get rid of wee nippy it would be better eh . Let’s see what she has up her sleeve today , probably won’t be allowed to travel to Wembley 😂😂🏴🏴🏴

I would not be surprised, she hates us to have any fun, I think she would have shut the pubs permanently if she could have, we will have to try and sneak down but she will probably be at the border claymore in hand 😂let her try!! Char
I always wanted to man the Border Post on the top of Carter Bar & charge everyone £10 travelling south.
Would it be Scottish money or English money you would be taking though ?

I'd have to keep up with tradition and only accept English. Even now I find it unbelievable the amount of places that won't take Scots - I have a business and take a fair bit of both Scots & Northern Irish money - mainly from the farmers.
When I was an apprentice I worked in Edinburgh for a while and we always got paid on Friday lunchtime before we came home & it was always Scots notes. Apart from the usual haunts back home used to have a job to spend it otherwise - I'm only talking about as far south as Newcastle.
My eldest son is married to a lovely Scots lass with 2 sons from a previous marriage. At the last Referendum son duly says he will vote on way to work and will take wife & sons after dinner in the evening to the Polling Station. True to his word they all troop down so wife & her sons can vote only to get there to find out the 3 of them had forgotten to register.
She didn't live that one down for a while.
My husband is American and he voted in the referendum, and well I didn’t 🏴🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ I’m still not registered 😂
I was rooting for Scotland but sadly ............!!! Hope you didn't get too overexcited!!!xxxx
I have always supported Scotland and any team that plays against England