Devastated: Just a heads up with all... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Montmax1 profile image
73 Replies

Just a heads up with all suffering HF Please make sure that if you are having any sort of problems get in touch with your consultant I really didn't want to write this post due to its contents but feel you should all be aware. My 42 year old son had a HA in Dec 2019 had 3 stents fitted EF below 30 Defib fitted September but had to be removed due to infection, sent home because they thought it safer for him to be at home rather than the hospital due to Covid, whilst waiting for another to be fitted, He started getting breathless and a cough rang HFN told him to get covid test came back negative and GP gave him antibiotics after telephone consultation, a few days later I had to ring the ambulance due to his breathing he was taken into resus and admitted to a ward not a cardiology one He was moved from pillar to post 4 different wards in all and all covid wards even though he had tested negative on all occasions. Sent home after 10 days and he couldn't stand up unaided, OT sent him straight back into a different hospital. a week later a nurse who my daughter knew rang her to tell her that my son really needed to see a cardiologist as he was getting worse. She had to take him to A and E where he was kept on for 15 hours My daughter who is a nurse had to have a row with the consultant about reading his notes, once he had read them he was rushed through to resus and taken to CCU at 5.00pm at 5.20pm I got a phone call to say family needed to go to hospital as he was fading, He passed away the following day, the doctors could not see past covid because the symptoms were covid like. so please do not ignore what your body is telling you and demand to be seen by your consultant. He was in hospital just short of 3 weeks if Doctors had looked at his notes I would not be writing this post. As a family we are devastated, This should not have happened.

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Montmax1 profile image
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73 Replies
Speakeazi profile image

Hello Montmax1.

I am so sorry to hear of your terrible loss and what actually happened. Thank you for writing it all down so that we are all reminded to ask, badger for help when we are not well.

Sending my deepest condolences


EmmyLaury12 profile image
EmmyLaury12 in reply to Speakeazi

Thank you for writing what must have been a very difficult post .

So sorry about the death of your son so tragic and so he was so young

If only the Dr would have looked at your sons history.

Really feel for you and your family,

Sheila x

Montmax1 profile image
Montmax1 in reply to Speakeazi

Thank you take care

PalSal73 profile image

Hi Montmax1,

I’m so sorry to hear about your sad loss, my sincere condolences.

Unbelievable that we have to do it but you’re right, keep on at them.

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.Sarah

Peony4575 profile image

I have a daughter that age. I can only imagine your pain. So very sorry

lettingoffsteam profile image

I'm sorry for your tragic loss, thank you for sharing your story.

Wodney1966 profile image

Hi I've got dilated cadyomypathy and hf had a icd fitted was under hf nurse n consultant but took off and put back into care of my gp just feel like no body's bothered tek your medication n get on with iit sort of thing I've been shielding on n of since March 😂😪

border13 profile image
border13 in reply to Wodney1966

Hope you’re okay ? Take care 😊

Shar28 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad tale. My condolences to you and your family. Thank you for posting.

Deary63 profile image

Oh my god Iam so, so sorry to read your post, sending you my condolences 🥲 to young to have passed away....thank you for sharing your son story .gods bless ...

CDPO16 profile image

So very sorry to learn of your tragic loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

GracieOS profile image

I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Page12 profile image

I'm really sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you. Life is so unpredictable.

FeetheBookworm profile image

So sorry to read your devastating news. Sadly at the moment the NHS rarely seems to be able to see anything that is not covid related.

I have HF and also now back to GP care which seems to be annual bloods and and that’s it.

Arrowe profile image
Arrowe in reply to FeetheBookworm

I’m in the same situation as you. I was rushed into A+E in Nov 2020 with pulse of 25. Transferred to CCU where I stayed for 4 days. I had a pacemaker fitted and immediately discharged back to GP care. When I had my first pacemaker check last week, I complained of pain in middle of my chest, and thought I would be referred back to cardiologist, but was told I would have to go back to my GP. Obviously I don’t have a cardiologist!

Montmax1 profile image
Montmax1 in reply to Arrowe

I would be ringing 999 for an ambulance if you are having pains in your chest, I rang 111 but when the ambulance got here they told me if he has chest pain to ring 999 every time.

border13 profile image

Sorry for your loss. 💕

Greenfingers123 profile image

I was so sorry to hear what happened to your son. Thinking of you and your family.

falah12345 profile image

Hi Montmax1I am deeply saddened and so sorry for your loss.

Those situations make me very angry specially when some drs don’t trust their patients and they ignore their complaints !

Asti7 profile image

So sorry about your loss. Thankyou for sharing your experience I would like to say this is rare, but I believe it occurs frequently. Wishing you and your family peace.

So sorry for your loss.

Nannysue1 profile image

That is such a sad story and such an unnecessary waste of a young life. Sorry to hear that, we lost a son in law last year to cancer, he was 37 yrs old. It has an awful effect on everyone who loves them. Be kind to yourself, it's an awful thing to happen at anytime but in the middle of a pandemic and with all the restrictions, it's even worse. Sending kind thoughts.

Oboebec profile image

So sorry to read this xx

Slimdaz profile image

So sorry to read this. My sincere condolences for your loss 😥💛

Joliv61 profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss.

Ocset profile image

So sorry for your loss and thank you very much for sharing your family's story.

pjw17 profile image

Really sorry for your sad news god bless.

Bonnie58 profile image

Truly sorry for your loss.

ilovecoffee123 profile image

So sorry to hear your sad news.

IrisCarter profile image

I am so sorry. We all need a strong advocate in our lives. I fought with my first cardiologist who told me my symptoms were anxiety. I went privately to see a cardio who specialised in arrythmias and was correctly diagnosed and treated. I might not be here otherwise. Now my husband is my advocate, and he doesn’t ever give up.

Killerblue profile image

OMG that is sooooooo sad and while reading it I really wasn’t expecting that end result 😢 My heart goes out to you Montmax1 ♥️ what you must be going through right now 🤦‍♀️

Shiney1959 profile image

I am so sorry to hear of your devastating news. I cannot imagine how you & your family are feeling right now. My thoughts are with you all

Fluffybee profile image

I cannot put into words how you all must be feeling right now, to have to fight like that to get your son’s notes looked at properly to get the right treatment is horrific.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your son.

Thank you for posting this on here, it must have taken a lot to put it all down in words and letting us know. 🤗

Sunnysummerdays profile image

So very sorry for your loss,god bless you and your family at this sad time 🙏

Safc1983 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss

Neil0000 profile image

Thats the real NHS for you,

SJ1000 profile image

So sorry for your loss. Truly heartbreaking. Thank you for taking the the time to let others know. I’m a huge fan of the NHS although I’ve had many similar experiences where the staff treat the symptoms that are presenting and refuse to listen to how the patient feels. After all we live with ourselves 24/7 so have to best idea of what is wrong. Stay strong and once again I’m so sorry for your loss.

Wooodsie profile image

Sorry to hear your sad story. It must be very hard losing a child of any age.

It isn't just Covid though, one of the biggest failures of the NHS is blinkered vision. Once the corporate mind is made up, it is very hard to get it changed. My dad died of a brain tumour, they kept treating him for strokes just because he was of that age and presentation, it took an A&E consultant to diagnose him, but she said not even she could make the stroke ward listen. He died 3 weeks later because the stroke treatment made his tumour worse and inoperable. Then to cap it all, they put home on the Liverpool Pathway, he managed to survive three days in absolute agony.

The NHS doesn't do this on purpose to be vindictive, it is just something that it cannot learn from. The doctors and nurses are doing their best, they didn't mean any harm to your son, I hope my reply helps you to get to where it took me a few years to get to, they did their best for your son, they were only human and made a mistake, sadly that mistake was devastating for you.

Take care.

in reply to Wooodsie

Yes - the NHS has treatment 'channels' they like to send people down because it fits in with their way of doing things. That makes them blinkered.I suffered a pulmonary embolism one month after stenting. They told me in A&E that I had muscular pain and tried to send me home at the end of the nightshift. Only after strong protests from me did they agree to give me a CT scan after which they decided I had a blood clot on the lung. This was all pre-Covid!

Everybody has to fight their corner.

Supernanu profile image

So sorry to hear this. But thank you for telling the sad story, it’s a good reminder to us all that we sometimes need to fight our own corner and that doctors can sometimes get it wrong. My condolences to you and your family.

SingingT profile image

What a sad post. My heart is full and I send you and your family all my love.

Handel profile image

So sorry Montmax1. Sending our thoughts to you and your family. Just so sad and needless xxx

Theresa67 profile image

So very sorry xx

Thank you for sharing your heartbreaking story. My condolences to you and your family.x

ajpabc profile image

Very sorry to hear about the loss of your son Montmax. I take away your point for being stronger with hospital services. I understand the strain on the NHS, and they saved my life in lockdown, but none of us should have to fight for medical attention when we have a heart condition on record.

I’m so sorry to be reading this, my condolences to you and your family, i lost my daughter 3 years ago aged 31 and it’s heartbreaking, her lung transplant didn’t work. Like you say I can’t stress enough about getting in touch with your consultant when you feel something isn’t right, after my bypass surgery in September 2020 i was poorly and deteriorating, for 7 weeks backwards and forwards to A&E i kept getting brushed off by A&E drs, until i had a heart attack in Dec 2020 and required emergency surgery to repair a failed graft, i had been having daily heart attacks for 7 weeks and nearly died. I believe covid is preventing people getting full assessment and investigations to see what is going on, please everyone be forceful and get the help you need, you know your own body and know when something isn’t right.

Stay safe and well x

ITSINTHEBAG9 profile image

I'm so very sorry love.

Surreychica_1 profile image

Oh my goodness please accept my condolences for such a loss and a loss which was so unnecessary and due to incompetence. I sent you positive vibes to help at this terrible time


Sunnie2day profile image

I am so sorry to read of your heartbreaking loss.

Magicfairy profile image

Hi Montmax1,

No this should not have happened😞, I’m so sorry for the devastating loss of your son, thank you for being brave, putting down in words to make us all aware, it must have been so hard for you, sending you and your family my sincere condolences, take good care of each other ❤️❤️❤️

CraftyGirl72 profile image

So sorry for your loss. No one listens to the patient right now, I know that for sure.

I have HF (stress related so you can imagine what Covid has done to me... )

96 days I hid the first lockdown to avoid but when I was breathless, coughing with chest pain every time I called GP I got a lecture and told to phone 111!

I didn't have Covid,

I was freaking due to the fear of it!

If I'd had Covid I'd have had it around 47 times... what I needed was something to calm me down which I eventually got when I told porkies and got past reception to my own preferred GP with a different ailment altogether!

No one can see past it... but I know my body, I know when I am working myself up to chest pain/tightness, which starts my tight throat triggering my cough.

Honestly if left to them I'd have been tested weekly adding to the statistics!

Please look after yourself... and fight them if you have to!

Sim22 profile image

My heart ❤ is with you and yes although many of my colleagues are working very hard sometimes its v easy to work your way down a worm hole , make sure your medical history is clear

Really sorry to read your story. Sadly for a lot of people the whole NHS can't see past Covid.

Qualipop profile image

Utterly devastating. I am so sorry but this is typical just now and makes me so angry. When admitted you are completely alone and can't have anyone with you to fight for you. Personally I would be so angry at a completely unnecessary loss I would put in a complaint. IT may not get you anywhere but by heck you'd feel better for doing it and it may just help save someone else. Covid is not the be all and end all. it's not the only thing people are dying from. It's long past time they stopped ignoring heart and cancer and anything else.

Debtyd profile image


Montmax1 profile image

Just to add insult to injury I have just read a letter from the cardiologist to say that his meds needed to be upped 3 weeks prior to his hospital admission, They actually decreased them. I am going to write to the hospital asking for a meeting with them to find out what happened.

Dollcollector profile image

So so sorry, thinking of you xx

Loveswimmimg profile image

I am so sorry for your devastating loss. Your story is shocking and I hope you get some answers. COVID has overtaken everything and the hospitals are so busy they cannot see past it. To me this story just emphasises how important it is for all of us to do our bit, obey the lockdown rules and not take any risks. We are helping just by doing that. The sooner hospital cases go down, the more chance NHS staff have to see when someone needs non COVID help like your son. I am not excusing what happened, but the fact is hospitals are overstretched and when people are exhausted they make mistakes. You should still try to get answers though, for your own peace of mind. Good luck.

Flummoxedlou profile image

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My son is 42 and I worry every day about him. Hearing about your son's experience is very sobering. I'm sorry you were let down by the doctors. I hope in time that you can forgive them a little bit, they are under such stress at the hospitals. I'm sure there are lots of mistakes happening due to the workload. Sadly they had three weeks to make the right diagnosis and they failed you and your son. I'm heartbroken for you. I will remember your post though and make sure that if I'm taken back in to hospital, I stand my ground for the treatment I need. My condolences to you and your family.

Montmax1 profile image

Thank you all for your kind words,

Padalak6 profile image

Montmax1 I am so so sorry for your loss sending my condolences to you and your family xx

winnabago profile image

Thank you for informing of this situation that happened to your son, I pray your family finds some peace.

Montmax1 profile image

Thank you

Truckerclark profile image

Thanks for sharing this with us , you have my deepest sympathy & I feel so sad ,,

dembaba profile image

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'm so very sorry for your very great loss ....,... thinking of you and your family at this sad time.It is kind of you to think of others and let us know what is currently happening.

All the best

sandrann profile image

Dear Montmax1,I am so sorry to read of your dear son and the events that led up to his passing.

Bless you and your family.

My sincere condolences.

I hope your special memories of times spent together will help grant you strength as you grieve.

Thinking of you all.xx

Tombstone profile image

Absolutely tragic, I am so sorry for your loss so young I had a covid test for difficulty breathing came back negative, a later x ray showed I had a heart problem gp said I needed an Echocardiogram but waiting time was 6-8weeks I decided to go private though I didn't have much money within a week I had one .when I asked my GP was the waiting time due to Covid, his direct words to me were the NHS was on its arse before Covid underfunded and undermanned. Tragic isn't it.

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to Tombstone

Yes. Utterly tragic!

Rosanna75 profile image

Dear Montmax1,

Your story brought tiers to my face....really sad and I am really sorry for your family and for your son.

Thank you for sharing, this could happen to any of us and your strong experience does definitely put us on guard.

I hope and pray that the universe will give you strength to get through this horrible and devastating time


C66t profile image

I'm so so sorry hear your son was failed so badly. My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.💕🙏🙏Carole.

stillaboveground profile image

So sorry for your loss, my thought's and Prayers are with you and your family, I know first hand what it is like to lose a son. Take care.Ruth

Marymb profile image

I am so very sorry for your loss. My son also passed away six months ago, from a massive heart attack. He was 37 and had no warning apart from a couple of days of acid reflux. I am trying to make sense of it because I feel there are implications for my daughter’s and granddaughters’ health, as there is a history of heart disease on my husband’s side. I agree, always be persistent in asking for medical help if there is a history of heart problems - even if symptoms seem minor.

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