I'm in rather a dilemma at the minute, re: AFib being worse and more frequent, especially at night after I take dose of bisoprolol. The bisoprolol makes the discomfort, which I cannot sleep with at all, so much worse. Feel like there is a tight band around my chest, restricting my breathing, shooting electric shocks in left breast leading up into left shoulder etc. For love or money, I am unable to disassociate my mind from intensity of the discomfort. It's a nightmare!!!
Covid symptoms have all but gone...just left with runny nose. It's the AFib that's troubling me now, not the covid. Was admitted to a+E few days ago due to quite severe AFib which I have now found out was actually triggered by Covid. Long story, short they got my heart rhythm to a somewhat normal level over a many hours and decided to send me home by ambulance. While I was waiting for ambulance to pick me up (total of 7 hours) to take me home the AFib started again as per symptoms mentioned above. Of course by this time I was off the monitors so told a nurse the AFib symptoms were back. He dismissed what I said, and in all honesty I just wanted to return home, so I went along with him.
I think AFib is more permanent type now (covid induced) which is more profound at night after I take dose of bisoprolol. Am considering giving bisoprolol a miss tonight to see what happens. I do need some sleep. What do you knowledgeable people think. Any feedback would really be appreciated.
Kind regards to all