I have severe narrowing of 3 arteries. When it is really cold, even tiny exersise leaves me out of breath, which is a problem at work and also at home crossing the car park and climbing stairs to 1st floor flat. GTN spray does nothing. Any suggestions how to minimise until I have my Stents fitted?
Coronary Artery Narrowing - help with... - British Heart Fou...
Coronary Artery Narrowing - help with symptoms
Hello and welcome to the forum!
When I was awaiting a bypass rather than use GTN spray I was on anti-anginals. Two common ones are Diltazem, a CCI (calcium channel inhibitor) and Isosorbide Mononitrate (a nitrate like GTN). I never had stents as I was deemed unstentable.
Hello david138, I have one stent after a silent ha in sept 2019. I found that the cold affected me a hell of a lot afterwards. My cardiac nurse suggested using a scarf to cover my nose and mouth so I wasn't directly breathing in the cold air. It has been a big help, and now we have to wear masks due to covid that helps as well. The cold air makes me feel quite breathless and after awhile makes my chest ache. I use my scarf and take my time when walking, and breathe normally sounds silly I know but it's easy to tense up and take shallow breaths when you become aware that it's affecting you. Hope that helps x