BHF nurse said angina maybe unstable 😱 - British Heart Fou...

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BHF nurse said angina maybe unstable 😱

Fluffybee profile image
37 Replies

I did post on here a couple of weeks ago asking if anyone had angina pain when they were holding something fairly heavy, I started to notice it when I had to sit down when I was waiting at a till. And the pain became quite severe. It’s happened or I’ve certainly noticed it much more recently and on just standing for quite a while.

I gave the BHF nurses a ring and thinks my angina may have become unstable, my Gp should ring soon but wondered if anyone else has been told the same or symptoms, literally just standing ??

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Fluffybee profile image
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37 Replies
Ninjanoo profile image

Hey FB,

Mine plays up when I have to stand for any length of time whether its peeling and chopping veg or washing up. Doesn't take long for it to start and soon intensifies and gets more severe. That's why things take so much longer to get done got to keep having "rest" breaks!

Did you manage to sort out your tooth by the way?

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

Do you know why or maybe I’m being dense lol I’d it because it’s having the umph to get the circulation even or something ?

Oh ‘the tooth’ has become ‘teeth’ I rang the referral dentist and they’ve not even looked at my URGENT request from my dentist yet !!! They may ring tomorrow and update me, I had some antibiotics which seemed to calm it a bit, but back on the regular paracetamol now and an earache that side to make it all the more enjoyable !!!!! I just need walnut whips 😢😢

How have you been? I didn’t realise just standing for a bit caused this pain, either it’s developed or got worse, who knows 🙄

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

Oh gawd! You poor thing walnut whips are definitely the order of the day 😁! So what do they class as urgent if they dont look at the urgent referrals?!! 🤪🤯

No I didn't notice when I first had symptoms it seems to have come on as time's gone on for some reason. Just more things to add to the list! Not been too great lately when I've done a walk of about 30 mins (with many stops and GTN sprays) I've had two or three days of bad chest pain where I havent been able to do anything. Been put on a low dose of Bisoprolol (beta blocker) as heart rate too high and GP wants to try and calm that down. Waiting to hear back from DWP assessment about PIP spoke to GP late this afternoon she's extended my sick note for another 2 months but said this is to bide some time to allow for PIP stuff to go through then looks like I'll be medically retired. Asked if it could possibly be Microvascular Angina on top of Coronary Artery Spasm got told I was too young - funny they said I was too young to have Coronary Artery Spasm!!

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Ninjanoo

I was diagnosed with both Microvascular and vasospastic angina in my early 50's after my angiogram with acetylcholine.

Beta blockers are contraindicated if you have vasospastic angina it can make your coronary artery vasospasms worse. Though they can help if you have Microvascular dysfunction.

I spent 5 days in hospital when my well meaning Cardiologist prescribed me beta blockers.

I hope your PIP works out.

I was awarded mine a couple of years ago. Not the easiest process.

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Milkfairy

I may look into Pip !!!

How have you been Milkfairy with the weather getting colder, I know with this condition the cold can make it much worse ?

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Milkfairy

Hi Milkfairy,

How's things with you?

I did argue the point of the beta blockers but she was adamant they had to control my heart rate. Had to fight for an angiogram so probably stand little or no chance getting any other test. Thankfully vertigo seems to have gone though 😁!

Not too sure about the PIP to be honest as technically cardiologist has washed his hands of me - not that I was that enamoured with him anyway! Still waiting for a response to feedback request from him that GP sent back in July - no rush! But GP should know what she's doing?!! Flipping form's long enough more like a booklet!

Think I'm more frustrated than anything not used to doing things at a snail's pace. Dont think I've ever sat down so much!

Let's all have a group hug and a walnut whip!! 😂❤

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

Definitely a group hug while munching walnut whips, got to have a smile don’t you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

Thank God for a sense of humour!! It certainly helps when things go decidedly Pete Tong! 😉😊

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

It really does doesn’t it, I e got my Dads funeral next week as well so pretty awful all round so really special I can chat to you all, thank you 🤗

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

So sorry for your loss ❤❤

I lost my Dad last September it's not easy xx

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

Thank you, sorry to hear of your news as well 🤗🤗

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

Oh thanks hun 😊

Feel free to message any time xx

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Fluffybee

I am sorry for your loss.

I have managed my mother's funeral and numerous other high emotional stress episodes since my diagnosis of Vasospastic angina.

Be kind to yourself and take time to come to terms with the strange curve balls that life bowls our way.

Oh yes group hug too 🤗

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Ninjanoo

If PIP is turned down, APPEAL and go to tribunal if necessary. Don't be put off. If you don't know how to filling those forms it invariably gets turned down. The website benefits and work has incredible advice- even more if you subscribe to it. I found it when I became disabled some 20+ years ago and had to do the forms every two years. It was invaluable. For my last claim to change from DLA to PIP had 11 extra sheets of paper; medial reports, lists of consultants, explanations of what things and treatments tried that didn't work and why they didn't work. You name it; I wrote it. Still had to have a face to face assessment but I got the PIP indefinitely.

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Qualipop

Hi Qualipop,

Thanks for the valuable info. You dont know about these things unless someone says. Like most things!

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Ninjanoo

A group hug is always good except it has to be virtual 🤗

I have a problem....I don't like walnut whips

My Cardiologist apologised to me when his well meaning prescription of beta blockers landed me in hospital for 5 days.

Ivabradine is an alternative to beta blockers to reduce your heart rate only problem it has to be prescribed by a Cardiologist.

Maybe send your GP the NICE guidelines......

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Milkfairy

Thanks Milkfairy ❤

Feel a bit like I'm going round in circles and meeting myself coming back the other way!

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

Do you know what I feel like doing ? Finally go to the dentist to get these teeth sorted out and when I open my mouth there’s lots of walnut whips in there I’ve been using to keep me sane, they’d say, that’s why you’ve got problems with your teeth !!!!!

I must admit I’m the same as you, the pain seems to have appeared, really odd, it’s just something else that’s making things a little harder isn’t it.

Whatever next, shouldn’t say that 🥴

Everything crossed for you getting Pip I don’t know much about it but whatever you get will help, sounds like you’ve got a nice Gp.

My Gp was supposed to call me tonight, but he hasn’t 🙄

Maybe tomorrow.

As far as I know there’s no real age limit for micro vascular and or coronary artery spasms, by what people on here have said especially Milkfairy a lot of cardiologists aren’t aware of the condition as the coronary arteries are clear that’s all they look at.

I was put on Bisoprolol a few months ago and my heart rate regularly goes as low as 41 and on occasions 39 !!!!!!! Said I needed to stay on them 🙄

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

I’m sorry Ninjanoo that you’ve been having more pain, it really wears you down doesn’t it, I can only do a few things at a time then get angry with myself for having to sit down.

If I’ve tried to keep going it’s only worse or knocks me for 6 the next day 😩

Do you mind me asking if your job was a physical one ?

Mind you I think just the getting ready for work wears me out, breathless and pain before I even get out of the door. Let us know how you get on with pip 🤗

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

So sorry for the delay! Phone was dying and then my mum rang!! Whiled away the evening somewhat! 😂

Will let you know how things progress. Hope you get somewhere with the dentist soon too.

Sending you virtual hugs and walnut whips!! ❤

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

Thank you, please Father Xmas I ‘think’ I’ve been pretty good this year, could I have a walnut whip in my stocking 🎅🏻

Not coal like previous years 😂😂😂😂😂

Hope y oi have a good day 🤗🤗

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

Lol!! 🤣 You have a good day too xx

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Ninjanoo

My Gp did ring me back at nearly 9pm last night 😇

With having the new symptoms developing he tried to chase up my mri stress perfusion scan results but it’s going to take another 2/3 weeks so cannot do anything until the results of that are through.

Never mind there’s so much going on, hospitals are so busy at the moment.

Nope still not heard about the go ahead for my tooth/teeth the pain has died down a little after the antibiotics but coming back again. Boo hoo 😢

How are you ?

Ninjanoo profile image
Ninjanoo in reply to Fluffybee

Oh noooo!!! 😔 More waiting? Least GP did ring though I suppose that's something.

Well I've heard of pacing yourself but it has taken me 3 days to dust one room and that's not because I have a lot of furniture or ornaments/knick knacks!! 😂 But there is a plus side new washing machine was delivered today - hurrah! Yes mine finally packed up totally the other day having bravely soldiered on intermittently for several weeks alas it was a spin too far. Although think I may have frightened the delivery man ever so slightly - got bit carried away by seeing another human being other than my husband and was chatting away rather incessantly! 🙈 Either that or it was the sheer excitement of being able to do laundry and it not take 2 days to wash! 🥳

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Fluffybee

I get chest pain if I have to stand for long periods.

I always ask for a seat on the tube...perhaps I should say I used to ask for a seat on the tube!

Any change in your usual pattern, frequency or severity of angina needs a review by your GP or Cardiologist.

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Milkfairy

I don’t know why but I feel really emotional seeing that something that I wasn’t sure was connected, or felt stupid putting it on here is something you can get with this.

It’s sort of another confirmation of something I’m trying to not accept.

Still waiting for my MRI perfusion test but not expecting it for a while yet.

I just don’t know where to go to really tell an actual cardiologist who knows about this condition as mine is a bit of an untouchable, I get his registrar to ring me and pass the message on to him then get a letter a few weeks later with an answer but not to the questions I’ve asked 😡😡😡🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I’m pinning my hopes on my Gp 🤞🏻

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Fluffybee

Milkfairy..... I meant mri stress perfusion RESULTS not the test itself 🙄

ellj profile image

Hi Fluffybee, all this worrying and waiting and not getting calls when they say they will call etc. Not good.

Then they tell you that stress will bring on your angina 🙄

Must admit I have had pain every day recently but t am assuming it's the colder weather with me.

I was the same last year as soon as the temperature dropped and that was before the heart attack and diagnosis of HF.

I find standing much worse than moving, as in I can walk for ten minutes but if I just stand to iron a few bits for eg I will get the pain.

It is a steep learning curve isn't it.

I'm glad a few forumites have the same diagnosis as you so you can compare notes.

😱 That came out all wrong !!!! I mean I would prefer nobody had these kind of diagnosis but since sadly we do it's handy to be in touch.

Oh flump ! I might just shut up now I've tied myself in knots 🙄

Hope you know what I mean.

Live Ellie flump

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to ellj

Hi Ellie

Sorry you’re not feeling to good with the cold weather 🤗

This is my first winter having this or being aware of what the symptoms are for.

Hoping the cold doesn’t effect me 😂😂

Yes I do know what you mean, put your pink wellies on and a few Pom poms and you’ll be fine Ellie Flump 🤗🤗

Love wellie flump xxx

ellj profile image

Have scuffed the wellies through a few golden leaves today, they loved it 😊

I remember being a bit taken aback when angina was all new to me.

It does throw a few curve balls too but at least we can share our concerns on here and there's always a few hearties ready to reassure or at least empathise and while you wait you can always cheer yourself up with a ww 😜

For me pulling my scarf up over my mouth and nose can make a big difference. It seems that breathing the cooler air can start the pain off so actually a mask is a great help but since my walks are solitary and I never meet anyone I use my scarf.

Look after yourself

Ellie flump 🌺🌈

Annie2609 profile image

I also have pain while standing. Diagnosed with CAS & MVD a few years ago. I had a nice 9 months break with very few attacks but lately have been getting pain every day. Standing is the worst... hope you will get a treatment plan that works for you soon.

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Annie2609

Thank you for replying, my Gp hasn’t rang yet, hopefully by the end of the week. Said he’d ring Monday, maybe I’ll give him a gentle nudge, 🥴

I’m sorry you’ve been getting more pain especially after a break from it, do you mind me asking what meds you’re on ?

Annie2609 profile image
Annie2609 in reply to Fluffybee

Fluffybee, I am on Amlodipine 5 mg, Bisoprolol (for palpitations), nitro spray as needed and nitro patches 12 hrs/day when in a bad cluster. I also started sertraline as I was having a lot of anxiety and even depression from all the health problems..

Fluffybee profile image
Fluffybee in reply to Annie2609

Hi Annie2609

It’s a lot to deal with isn’t it 🤗 have you been diagnosed with microvascular angina ?

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Annie2609

Hello Annie

Have you seen this information about Vasospastic angina the term now being used to describe Coronary artery spasms on the BHF website?

Beta blockers are contraindicated by NICE for those of us living with Vasospastic angina as they can make vasospasms worse.

Anti depressants can also cause problems.

I suggest you ask for a review of your symptoms by a Cardiologist experienced in caring for patients with Microvascular and vasospastic angina.

It might be helpful to keep a diary of your symptoms to see if you can see a pattern or trigger of your symptoms.

Annie2609 profile image
Annie2609 in reply to Milkfairy

Milkfairy, thank you I was thinking to talk to my cardiologist next week and raise the beta blocker issue. I took bisoprolol for 10 months and didn't have problems until a month ago.

dunestar profile image

I have microvascular angina. I'm OK doing aerobic exercise as long as I start slowly and build up from there. But I do find lifting heavy things is not good. First of all I'm sure I've lost muscle strength in my upper body so that's part of it. But it also seems to place greater strain on my heart. I was doing an exercise in the gym to strengthen the upper body. You bring your arms together in the middle of the chest against weights. That sent my heart into tachycardia. Obviously too much. So I do think carrying heavy weights can be tricky for us.

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