PVC's ruining my life advice and if a... - British Heart Fou...

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PVC's ruining my life advice and if anyone else has the same (IBS)

Gtrluke88 profile image
36 Replies


I'm sure there's lots in this as it's so common

this is my first post but I didn't know where to turn.

I've suffer for many years with IBS, spasmic bowel, gastritis....or what ever the doctor wants to call it that week.

But for the last two years I've been getting palpatations more spesfically skipped beats. I've been treated for anxiety and stress. I've also had tests such as multiple ECG's when I visited the hospital for it a 24hr monitor and seen a cardiologist who informed me that my palpatations are harmless. I've seemed to notice a coleration between the palpatations and stomach upset/wind gurlging.

But over the last weeks they seem to be going crazy, all day long particularly after eating and are worse when resting , the seem calmer when I'm moving around.

I've currently been given gaviscon and Omeprazole. I've previously been given propranolol, sertraline and Lansoprazole all which didn't really help.

Surley I can't be alone

Any one who can advise or are going through something similar I'd love to hear about it, as it's a hard issue to understand for my family

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Gtrluke88 profile image
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36 Replies
Palpman profile image

I know how you feel as I also suffered with this problem.

After eating a big meal the PVCs would start as the stomach is full and extends into the chest area.

This irritates the heart which would then irritate you with PVCs.

Also when I'm bloated my heart would start with its antics. This would subside when I drink some sugar and caffeine free soda and let rip with loud trouser coughs.

Wish you well.

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Palpman

Thank you for your response , did you get it even without eating as I do. Did you find a solution ??


Palpman profile image
Palpman in reply to Gtrluke88

I dish up less food per meal but do on occasion eat one more small meal per day rather than 3 larger ones. This did help somewhat.

Since having my gallbladder removed my bloating has totally gone and my PVC's have diminished but still there but mornings only.

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Palpman

👍 thanks

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Palpman

"Loud trouser coughs" has made my day Palpman 😂😂 Did you ever watch Blackadder 2 where Queen Elizabeth's nursey described them as "Flabby Woof Woofs"?

Take care x

Rosei profile image
Rosei in reply to Lilypocket

My called his baby, botty burps.

Mgs333 profile image

I have had PVC's for over 5 years now but only at night when I am lying down. I have had every test known to man and medication changed several times, I am currently on Bisoprolol ( beta blocker), Atorvastatin and Aspirin....non of these seem to do anything for me except possibly protecting me from other heart events. Its very inteseting you mention stomach problems as this is something I myself mentioned to my cardiologist but was shot down in flames as being "not relevant". I know that PVC's are one of medicines great mysteries and are very difficult to sort out.....I wish you good luck my friend...you are not on your own...

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Mgs333

Thanks for your input , i only noticed it due to tracking everything and watching this guy who seems to state it is definitely related


Thanks for you input 👍👍

Smileyian profile image

May I give my opinion tmw.

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Smileyian


Cheesekun profile image

I feel for you. PVC's have plagued me for 7 years but recently they have been terribly bad - up to 10 a minute. I am getting RF ablation done in December (3 weeks away). I'll let you know how it goes.

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Cheesekun

Brilliant thanks for your input

Dingledaw profile image

It may be worth trying a low histamine diet to see if it makes a difference?

Gtrluke88 profile image

I shall read into this

Britishgas profile image

Hi I have ectopic beats which I find occur more when I’m lying down and better when I’m walking around. There is a connection between the stomach and the heart , if you watch Dr Sanjay Gupta on YouTube he talk about it. It may help having more smaller meals. It may be worth trying alternative treatment for your IBS such as acupuncture or reflexology which in turn should help with your irregular heartbeats. I am also trying other ways to control my ectopics which I find very distressing. I wish you all the best and if I find a cure I will post it .

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to Britishgas

Thank you for your advice I apprichiate it

tunybgur profile image


For your gastric problems, please give Kefir a try, it sorted out my acid problems, but make it yourself, it's very easy, cheap, and is more potent (I prefer goats milk kefir, goats milk is closer to human milk).

You can get the starter grains online, and it's a few minutes a day to make it, it's like yoghurt on steroids!

Also fermented foods like sauerkraut are great for gut problems.

Sort out your gut and it has a knock on effect on your total health.

Good luck

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to tunybgur

I will I have converted to the shop bought kefir but will have a look at making my own

dunestar profile image
dunestar in reply to tunybgur

I have acid reflux and would definitely steer clear of fermented foods as they are acidic. They may be good for some gut problems but I would suggest not if you have acid reflux. Even thinking about sauerkraut makes me feel unwell.

tunybgur profile image
tunybgur in reply to dunestar

On the contrary, although acidic, sauerkraut contains enzymes such as protease, amylase, and lipase, which breaks down proteins, sugars, and fatty acids, respectively. Enzymes in probiotic foods speed up digestion and aids in the regular intestinal transit, which is fundamental in patients trying to recover from chronic cases of acid reflux, i.e. it reduces stomach acidity over time.

You have to start small and slowly build to get the best results

dunestar profile image
dunestar in reply to tunybgur

Meanwhile it would be stripping my oesophagus of it's lining.

tunybgur profile image
tunybgur in reply to dunestar

I actually find it very tasty and not the least bit acidic....but we're all different.

I used to suffer from GERD and after a few weeks of proper pro biotics my problems went away, no acid reflux and regular as clockwork, something lansoprazle never achieved.

isobelhannah18 profile image

I get palpitations with too much caffeine. This can be a relatively small amount of caffeine so if I start with palpitations I cut caffeine out completely for several months then gradually reintroduce it. That includes coffee, coke, chocolate and strong tea.

Lilypocket profile image

Hi probably not relevant to your particular problem but never mind .

I am being treated for PAfib and take medicine for it. I had terrible PVCs on Sotalol. My cardiologist changed me to slow release Flecainide for the Afib. The PVCs disappeared. Now I have PACs that I can't feel ( they show up on ECG).

Do you also have Afib? Obviously Flecainide can only be taken under strict supervision from your Dr but I have to say it was such a relief but was a side effect from changing drugs. Perhaps yours is related to your medicine?

All the best.

sdonate profile image
sdonate in reply to Lilypocket

Why are the rules so strict with flecanaide please?

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to sdonate

When it is first taken it is under medical supervision as even though it is taken for heart rhythm problems it can also provoke them so it is not suitable for everyone. I had to take an exercise test in hospital when I changed from Sotalol to Flecainide ( I'm in France - I can't speak for other countries).

Gtrluke88 profile image

I take no medicine ,

Baring stomach medicine.

Although today I've been prescribed proprananol.

I've been told I have no significant heart abnormality, yet they continue

Also I'm 32 non drinker 🙂

MrsK82 profile image

I get PVC’s every day - have since 18years old (38 now). They are horrible!

I also feel a link to acid - currently on omeprazole for acid and bisoprolol for heart.

I wish there was a cure for them, they are really horrible to live with so you have my empathy.

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to MrsK82

Thanks, you sound very similar to me .....I don't think the global situation helps with stressfull stomachs etc, it's just nice to know I'm not on my own or going to drop down.

Apprichiate it , I don't like taking medication but I suppose 32 years isn't bad going without

MrsK82 profile image
MrsK82 in reply to Gtrluke88

No you will be fine, you have had lots of testing done so I hope that’s reassured you.

I held off addressing mine with medication until this year and although they have helped slightly it hasn’t stopped them.

It’s trial and error with any medications - are you going to try your prescription?

Gtrluke88 profile image
Gtrluke88 in reply to MrsK82

Yes defiantly if it's a professional recommendation I think I've got to, thanks fur your input i just had s read through your post it's very similar, again there's lots of us in this together 👍

StuStg profile image

Hi, I’d suggest speaking with your GP about Alverine Citrate. I take it three times a day and it has really helped with my IBS and diverticulitis as it reduces spasms in the digestion tract and works to regulate things.

I have suffered from IBS for over 20 years and this had worsened to getting terrible stomach spasms and digestion issues following my double bypass operation. Not unusual after an operation but went on for months which is much longer than normal. Very stressful and certainly caused increased heart rate etc.

I had all the tests to confirm IBS/diverticulitis and was then prescribed the Alverine citrate.

I’d recommend getting a referral via your GP to a dietician as everyone’s digestion has it’s only balance - mine would jump between two extremes - so things like eating fibrous foods, using fibrous gels have to be taken step by step or increasing yogurt intake has to be treated carefully as sometimes they can have the opposite effect to that intended. They will take you through a FodMap. Water consumption is very important.

For me I’ve found that eating yogurt each day, (and a probiotic like actimel), 2-3 slices of 50:50 bread each day has helped, lots of fruit and vegetables, porridge for breakfast etc.

I find that regular exercise such as walking and running also really helps with digestion and I notice the difference when I don’t take that exercise.

You might also suffer from intolerances to certain foods which is why your digestion’s issues are worse after certain meals. The dietician will be able to go through this with you.

Hopefully that helps and the dietician referral will be key as it’s a delicate balance and everyone is different - I’ve been seeing a NHS dietician for a number of years now about twice a year to see how it’s all going.

Gtrluke88 profile image

Excellent advice thank you so mucj

Ahhwell profile image

I was taking omopozole for acid feflux and it bloated me so much and the spasms because of gas where horrendous , i have since weaned myself off them , i now take a pro biotic every day along with magnesiun citrate 1000 mg and my reflux is now gone and i dont botty burp so much well not in company anyways lol !! and my ibs is managed and i am regular so all is well in that part of my life , i would not reccommend anyone stopping taking omoprozole at once as your stomach will go into acid production overdrive ..always discuss it with your health professional first

Gtrluke88 profile image

Thought I'd update this as there was lots of feedback and it's a good community on here.

Since my last post I've tried propranolol and bisoprolol had a endoscopy

I've also now seen a gastroenterologist, who diagnosed it as definalty IBS.

I've been prescribed mebravine and frybrogel after informing the GP I had a bad bought of IBS followed by days of insufferable ectopic beats.

The cure quest continues

TexMari profile image

I hope you are doing better now since you posted. I wanted to let you know if success I have had in relieving my PVCs. I used to have episodes of several hours with as many as 15 PVCs per minute! I was told that they were onset by anxiety, but never felt anxious until after they began. Anyway, this is not for heart disease, but I noticed my PVCs were worse when my digestion was a problem. I have not been diagnosed with IBS, but I got the okay from my doctor to try a low FODMAP diet with reintroduction of certain foods. I dont suffer from PVCs much any longer. I've only had one night in the past 6 months with PVCs after having a bowl of 3 bean chili. Beans are high FODMAP and something I eat sparingly if at all any longer. I love the Monash university FODMAP app that gives green, yellow and red lights on different foods. If there's a red dot next to the food, I eat it causiously to see if it causes problems. This is working for me and my digestion is also pain, gas and constipation free. Might be worth a try if your doctor approves.

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