Hi everyone, has anybody been advised... - British Heart Fou...

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Hi everyone, has anybody been advised to take Lansoprozale while taking aspirin and clopidogrel together ??? To protect your stomach, thanks

Prl43 profile image
10 Replies

Thanks for any advice

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10 Replies
Maisie2014 profile image

Not lanzoprasole mine is esomeprasole but it’s the same family I think.

Andyd57 profile image

Hi, I've been lansoprosol and Aspirin for 19 years. No side effects but everyone is an individual. Don't know what clopid ogrel? But I'm on 2 doses a day for bisoprosol. Beta Blocker. Lansopersole is the best for any acid reflux. If that helps. Have a good day 😎😎

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Until my recent amputation I was on Aspirin and Omeprazole. When the vascular surgeon added Clopidogrel to the mix my Omeprazole was changed to Lansoprazole. Apparently it is felt that this is the better PPI (proton pump inhibitor) with the other two drugs.

I am also on the lowest possible doses of Bisoprolol and Lisinopril, and 40mg Atorvastatin (my liver cannot tolerate 80mg - I suspect my student days 🍻🍻🍻🍻!).

Prl43 profile image

Hi thanks, clopidigrel is medication i have to take for my stent which i had a procedure for June 26th 2020. Thanks again👍

daveofpensby profile image

I was taking Clopidogrel and aspirin and Lansoprozale all together until they took me off clopidogrel and aspirin, still take Lansoprozale

The funny thing is previous I’d taken aspirin for 24 years with nothing to protect my stomache

Prl43 profile image
Prl43 in reply to daveofpensby

Yeh is a bit strange i been taking aspirin and clopidogrel together for a while and now they tell me 4 months later. When i questioned it i was told that the hospital "should have" told me.

Thanksnhs profile image

Hi I took lansoprazol and aspirin, it was changed to omaprazole, but then it was changed back, I think myself the lansoprazol is better for me char

Bigheart58 profile image

After my HA and stent op in February 2020 I was put on Lansoprazole, Aspirin and Clopidogrel (plus other medication). I have stopped taking Aspirin but am still on the other meds. No bad side effects thankfully.

Qualipop profile image

YOu will be on clopidogrel for a year to thin your blood and stop the stents from blocking. I started on ticagrelor but it had to be changed to clopidogrel. Both aspirin and clopidogrel can irritate your stomach so you need the lansop for protection. When the clopidogrel is stopped, you will probably have to stay on the lansoprazole and aspirin.

Prl43 profile image

Thank you all for advice👍👍

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