Hi I am new here and wonder if I could have some information? I had an ECG at the drs yesterday as last week I had mild stabbing pains in my chest. The nurse I spoke to last week thought that it may be acid reflux or a pulled muscle. I haven’t had the pain for a week now and was expecting the ECG to be normal. A nurse rang me this morning to see how I felt and that the ECG showed an old infarct and that they are sending the ECG to a Cardiologist to get his opinion. I am now very worried as have looked up what an old infarct is online! I am 53yrs old normal blood pressure normal weight don’t smoke or drink. Has anyone else had an experience like this. Thanks.
Please could I have information about... - British Heart Fou...
Please could I have information about ECG showing an old infarct.

Hello Millie
Welcome to the forum
It must have been a shock for you.
We are a peer to peer support group so are unable to give medical advice however
I suggest you give one of the Cardiac nurses a call on
0300 330 3311 weekdays 9am - 5pm, Saturdays 10am - 4pm.
There are lots of other forum members I am sure who will be along to share their experiences with you too.
Thanks for your reply. It has made me feel much better. Good news that you feel much better after everything that you have been through. I have just spoken to one of the cardiac nurses from BHF on the phone and she has explained it to me in great depth so I know what to expect. It was a shock this morning to hear the result of the ECG as I never think that I am getting older which I obviously am!
Hello Millie
Welcome to the forum, when we are told something we weren’t expecting it comes as a huge shock, but before you become very upset try and wait until the cardiologist as had a look see.
We have a range of heart issues here on the forum and once you have a definitive answer there will be someone here that can help you out.
We are very good listeners and we can lend a shoulder to lean on. I know it’s easy for me to say but try to relax while you wait for the out come.
Let us know how you go
Best wishes Pauline
I have had my Aortic valve replaced and bypass, and when I was told it was a case of how can my body let me down it never had before! I was 68 and that’s 4 years ago, every day I thank the medical team for giving me my life back.
So life is good, I know you are looking at a very scary place but it will be sorted out.
It’s not a lot compared to some, as I said wait until you hear from the cardiologist you have no symptoms so that’s great.
Hi Again, like your witty but serious reply to millie9, but I'm here to pick your brains if I may. You mentioned you are running 3-5 times a week 21 months after your HA, I'm 13 months past having 2 stents fitted, I have always kept myself fit and continue to do so, however, I walk or do gym work 3-5 times a week and the past month I have introduced jogging into my walking, but find my legs ache when I jog. Did you have the same problem when you first started jogging? I have a feeling it is one of the medications I am on. otherwise I'm fine.
Thanks for that, symptoms are similar. I have a cardio nurse who I keep in contact with via e-mail and my polar App that I record all my sessions on so she can advise me. The app is free with the Polar HR monitor and chest strap that comes in at £75, smile the app is free. but it is money well spent to monitor your progress and recovery. Thanks again, kept it, it works.