Hi everyone, I’m not sure if I feel positive or not. As most people know the rehab isn’t happening at the moment for the group sessions that I have heard were/are amazing. However, after speaking to my consultant he told me they are running 1-2-1 sessions. I called up and an extremely lovely lady turned up yesterday for my first session. I can’t tell you how re-assuring it was to do my first “proper” Exercises with a nurse and tell me that every time I had a twinge or my arm went tight, it was okay. I did ask if I could start the C25K at which she laughed and said not yet. To be honest the exercises we were doing(almost like a warm up) got me out of breath and feeling like I had run 2 miles anyway. Glad I’ve had the support to do it all properly.
While feeling extremely pleased about all this, my dr called today to say my thyroid is low and they won’t be putting me on medication at the moment because I’m on all my other tablets and still adjusting to them for my heart. (I wasn’t on any meds before 6 weeks). They will be giving me another blood test for my thyroid in 2 months. I actually thought the hair loss, brain fog and fatigue was due to all this new medication but it turns out it’s thyroid issues. Now I don’t know what is what and I feel really annoyed that my body is reacting this way at the moment.
I told my daughter and she said it doesn’t matter if you have hair loss because we can get you a wig (it’s not that serious yet) and it doesn’t matter if you can’t remember anything, as long as you are here. It did give me a tear to my eye, but what life am I having, I’m only 44. I’m probably sounding extreme, but I’ve really tried to look after my body over the years and now In 10 months I have had a stroke, heart attack and now have Thyroid issues.