I get chest pain when I'm stressed and anxious and it frightens me my hearts of good health as far as I know anyone get similar I'm worried it could be a form of angina
Chest pain when anxious: I get chest... - British Heart Fou...
Chest pain when anxious
It maybe a form of angina and often it can happen when anxious .I would contact your Gp for a telephone consultation and they can give you advice and support .
Take care,
Sheila x
Thanks I know I been reading it I been deep breathing it's ok today but pounding as I'm anxious about few things hope to feel better when get funeral over watching dad's coffin going in ground is a dread x
Stress can cause all sorts of physical pain. I wouldn’t assume it’s Angina but get it checked out by your doctor.
Thanks I been deep breathing it's ok at moment lack of oxygen causes it and the arteries do close up when anxious
I have chest pain also and I have had lots of tests including a heart ct scan and all the doctors assure me all is well but I still have pain in chest left arm and chin I'm not usually anxious but this is making me so I have pain most of the time try to ignore but difficult so although I have no answers for you are not the only one
Thank you I hope things improve I've been deep breathing lack of oxygen to heart can cause it do you smoke or drink
No dont smoke or drink ironically do bhf London to Brighton bike ride every year karate instructor for 30 years and mechanic so keep fairly fit only to be struck with chest pain which I might add is now 3 months old ct scan said only 25 percent blocked artery so shouldn't be a problem tell that to my chest chin and arm am going back to work shortly so we'll see what happens got my gtn and aspirin just in case

Hi Curly1
Welcome to the forum
The BHF has this information about Angina
As others have suggested speak to your GP or give the BHF helpline a call who are open every day and you can speak to one of the Cardiac nurses
I hope you feel more at ease soon
Thank you I've been ok lately got dad's funeral over feel calm
I am sorry for your loss.
I hope your calmness stays with you.
Thank you it's a relief as was dreading it as it was a buriel as his family were catholic and had family plot his wishes in will but it was fine I was so anxious about seeing coffing going in ground it was a nice grave side service a minister the funeral service man really nice gave us roses to throw on coffin prior to this I spoke to my mam on phone about dad his x wife I got a goosey feeling strong on my legs had it before then my mam got it it's happened so many times after my step dad died and a friend I felt blessed that my dad is still living on no longer suffering his dementia and I'm lucky my open mind to after life let's spirit contact me so eases my grief take care x
It could be related to GORD (acid reflux) which can give chest pain.
Thanks no my mam has that it's anxiety brings it on
Hi. It's very similar to a panic attack. I have been suffering from this disease for a long time. I didn't know what to do, I was afraid of everything, it was driving me crazy. I would be unproductive, I would get tired quickly, I would get sick all the time, I thought this hell wouldn't end. I went to a therapist who said I just needed to relax and suggested kratom capsules. I was very skeptical because I was scared of my condition, but I tried. To be honest, kratom capsules make me believe that my stress is off... my stress is gone. I ordered it here apnews.com/press-release/ts.... Be healthy!
Thanks yeu I was told that it is mild panic attack I do deep breathing now and get out walking if I can to ease my stress before it gets out of hand and I have chamomile tea 😊