Health Anxiety: I had a heart attack in... - British Heart Fou...

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Health Anxiety

Jo1961 profile image
27 Replies

I had a heart attack in August 2017. Totally out of the blue with atypical (I’m told) symptoms. Small plaque rupture in a small blood vessel - main pipes clear I’m told. Discharged by cardiologist and told not to worry, I was fine and to love my life. Which I did, with a few visits to A&E with the odd twinge. Until January this year when I went to A&E - troponin not raised and all ok. Except I can’t move past the thought of having another heart attack. I don’t know why this has come on now. The doctor says health anxiety. I’ve now been prescribed Sertraline and CBT. I can’t believe I’m this bad. Please tell me it’s not inevitable I’ll have another attack. Any reassuring words welcome! Thanks for reading.

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Jo1961 profile image
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27 Replies
Charlpalp profile image

So you can have a heart attack due to aniexty?

Keep-it-ticking profile image

Hi Jo, fairly normal to be anxious at times, I’ve been unlucky but I know many people who’ve had 1 incident and never had any recurrences at all, if your vessels were clear then as far as I’m aware that’s a very good sign but I’m not a health professional.Record when and what you were doing when you get a twinge and see if there’s any logical pattern such as exertion or exercise.

I would ask my doctor if I could have an echocardiogram because that would put your mind at rest. I know what it is like to have health anxiety, I too was put on tablets for a while . Then they found the cause of my problems. You just need reassurance and maybe an echocardiogram would do that. Plus it would save your GP money in the long run. ❤️

Charlpalp profile image

Oh my...

I haven’t had my bloods checked but I have aniexty xx

Charlpalp profile image

Would this show on a ecg monitor ?

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Jo1961

What are your symptoms?

If you are having on going chest pain and breathlessness these do need investigating properly.

Women's heart problems are often attributed to panic attacks or anxiety and there is an acknowledgement that there is an unconscious bias regarding women and heart disease.

I suggest you ask your GP to refer you back to your Cardiologist so your symptoms can be investigated appropriately.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

There is a condition called Takostubo Cardiomyopathy which is associated with extreme stress or anxiety.

The common name is broken heart syndrome.

It is often mistaken for a heart attack as the symptoms are very similar including high Troponin levels. During an angiogram the coronary arteries are clear however the heart is distorted to look like an Japanese lobster pot hence the name.

Anxiety and stress can also trigger vasospastic and microvascular angina vasospasms. If these are severe they can lead to a less common cause of heart attacks with clear coronary arteries.

Known as a MINOCA

Myocardial infarction non obstructive coronary arteries.

Danceawaytheblues profile image
Danceawaytheblues in reply to Milkfairy

I had this happen to me 5 weeks ago. I am an anxious person, although nothing major triggered this `attack`. It just came out of the blue.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Danceawaytheblues

It is interesting how our minds and bodies are connected.

I hope you are now feeling better.

Danceawaytheblues profile image
Danceawaytheblues in reply to Milkfairy

Thank you Milkfairy, I am feeling much better now. Just taking one day at a time.

Smerblue profile image

I’m no doctor but having been to A and E several times over the past year with twinges it’s only natural to be thinking could this be the one that gets me. I wish I didn’t but I’m only human. The only way to be sure is by having an angiogram of the veins and echocardiogram for the heart and an ECG. Doctor said to me every pain that does not respond to GTN spray should be taken seriously. But you do think is this all in my mind when bloods and ECGs come back clear. Look after yourself.

Jo1961 profile image

Thanks for all your replies. I had an angiogram while in hospital and all clear except for the small plaque rupture in a minor vessel. I know just have to move on as others do.

ThatWasUnexpected - I’m in awe of what you have achieved! I should use your story as inspiration!

in reply to Jo1961

You should! Do you do any form of exercise, don't think you said in your OP? it will help enormously, it's benefits cannot be overstated. We all feel this anxiety to begin with, you need to do something to conquer it, and I don't think investing in more tests and so on is going to help, just get out in the sunshine and start wearing some soles out.

Jo1961 profile image
Jo1961 in reply to

I do a lot of walking and walk most days although recently with the anxiety that has worried me! But you’re right - I need to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I live near the coast and also have some lovely countryside nearby so no excuse not to enjoy my surroundings. Thank you!

in reply to Jo1961

Just get some decent running shoes, and go for a walk like normal, then increase your pace a bit. Then start to build up the pace over the next few walks, you can use lamp posts as markers to do a faster bit, then ease off. gradually you can progress to jogging between them, and so on. As you do this you will start to have less time to think about what might happen (it won't) and start to enjoy the challenge. If you get a half decent GPS watch you can start to time yourself, just for a bit of fun. I would guess you will see others doing similar, it's contagious (sorry bad word right now). if you start to build yourself up now you will be ready for a 5K Park run when they start up again? Honestly you will look back and wonder why you never did it before, and it will help you so much. Good luck!

PS don't do this without some good running shoes, they are not just for good runners you will damage your feet if you use rubbish shoes.

Jo1961 profile image
Jo1961 in reply to

Thanks for the walking/running tips - will give it a go!👍🏻

Phil_London profile image

Hi, I fully understand, like you I have high anxiety, I am just over a year past 1 stent in the LAD and all others clear, but even that knowledge does not stop the anxiety, I do have a private cardiologist that helps a lot now I am past the NHS care and as such I can recomend a few things that may help put your mind at ease, but some may cost uess you can find the way to get NHS to support. You can go for a stress test and echocardiogram after that shows how well your heart performs and slows after excersise and you will get teh ECG at the same time, it gives you great peace of mind or tells you if you do have an issue. I have also just bought a Alivecor little ECG monitor that connects to your phone and although will not say if you should call A&E, it does show normal or abnormal heart rythembut its £150 unless you have the new apple watch which does the same, but I find it good for peace of mind when I have those moments of fear. The last would be a CT scan to see if you have any other arteries with problems now you are 2 years on, other than that, you have to eat well, exercise and smile that you way up and mostly feel good.

Jo1961 profile image

Wise words - thank you!

Sandra1964Marie profile image

I can totally relate to your thoughts. It was and still is the same for me. There’s not a day goes passed when negative thoughts arise and eat away. I started reiki and other alternative meditation To try and relax, it’s help

Qualipop profile image

A very normal reaction to having had a heart attack. It took me a full year to get that thought out of my head and it still comes back whenever I have pains or breathing problems. I asked for specific cardiac counselling which worked far better than any antidepressants.

Jo1961 profile image
Jo1961 in reply to Qualipop

I’ve been discharged from cardiac rehab and doctor won’t refer me back to the counsellor unfortunately. I’ll ask again though when I can get to speak to a more sympathetic doctor!

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Jo1961

I contacted "Mind Matters" ; an NHS organisation that you can self refer to. I also rang the cardiac rehab team and even though I'd been discharged they were happy to refer me.

Kimberly07 profile image

Hi jo your not alone, I had my HA sept 2018 and I can’t move on either convinced every twinge pain etc I get so anxious and worse than ever with the COVID-19. My doc has just this week put me on sertraline and put me forward for CBT. I started the sertraline on Monday but made me have so many sweat outbreaks then cold feeling, sick and can’t eat. The can’t eat is my anxiety only eat 4 digestives and one slice toast this week. I’ve worked all through lockdown as I look after a learning disabilities lad in his own home. There’s four of us that look after him 24 /7 we have protected him throughout following every guide line and all four carers live alone so we felt quite safe. His parents stayed away as there working but his father came round in a mood the other day and decided no one was going to keep him away from his son any longer and without and consideration towards us, after him praising us for our loyalty and keeping his 40 yr old son safe, I have to say that has been very challenging at times but we’ve managed. But now I’m so down in the dumps about the whole situation and now I’ve gone sick from work. My anxiety is out the roof. You not alone jo even though we feel we are. Thank goodness for this site. You stay strong we will get there x

Jo1961 profile image
Jo1961 in reply to Kimberly07

Thank you Kimberly! It’s tough isn’t it but I’ve found the replies to my post helpful. I’ve been on sertraline for two weeks and the side effects are beginning to subside now. Also had two sessions of CBT so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to move on. We’ve got to be positive! Good luck to you - I hope you feel a bit better soon.x

Kimberly07 profile image

The sertraline we have been put on omg I’ve felt so ruff First sweats then feeling cold no energy. I called 111 last night and they said to cut the dose in half for a week From 50mg to 25mg, then my doc is going to call to see how I’m going. What kind of side effects have you been having Jo

Jo1961 profile image
Jo1961 in reply to Kimberly07

I’ve had increased anxiety which hasn’t been very nice but thankfully no other side effects. I’m on 50mg and take them in the morning as the pharmacist said they may interfere with sleep. I’ve been on them 16 days now and don’t feel as bad as the first week. Hope things settle down for you soon.X

Kimberly07 profile image
Kimberly07 in reply to Jo1961

Hi jo thank you for telling me how they effected you. The 111 doc last night asked why I’m taking them at night she said the same as you that they could interfere with sleep and I should take them in morning. I told her my doctor said I should that them at night. I’m going to talk with my doc tomorrow and find out why she wants me to take them at night. I hope you feel better every day. You take care x

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