I am really disappointed to see people hijacking this forum to push their political points of view. Like many people I come here for a bit of reassurance and information the last thing I want to read about is people pushing their politics, which to many people can be highly devisive not to mention offensive. If you want to talk politics you can go to twitter, the daily mail, guardian etc etc please do not do it on a health support forum. Perhaps BHF moderators could look at some temporary/permanent bans on the political agitators that have infiltrated this forum.
Can we refrain from political posts? - British Heart Fou...
Can we refrain from political posts?

Well said. Saturday and Sunday we had all heart related posts and many supportive answers. That’s what this forum should be about. No politics no virtual anything no music.
I agree, some good threads are ruined, by just 1 comment.

Totally agree! I posted about Brian May as he has now joined us Hearties and many of us were Queen fans in the day. And yet it has become a debate about an extreme diet not recommended by the BHF. I would like the moderators to clamp down on this high jacking!

I totally agree!
This forum is a wonderful place of mutual support to us all no need for politics.
The Heart of the matter is the NHS. No politics, ahem. Topics, isn't there a hazelnut in every bite. 🤔
Totally agree! This is a very useful forum for people with life threatening illnesses to find safe and sound advice, don’t clog it up with political opinions.
Agree 100% shaunyw We come here for help and support for our health problems from this great group of lovely people We see enough of this already
Let's try and make this a happy site like things we want to do and see when it is all over and the main 1 how much we will cuddle our grandchildren
If it helps to relieve someone's stress by letting off steam, in an non offensive way I have no problem with the posts. Don't like the idea that others get to say what is acceptable and what isn't, you do not have to read the posts!
How do you know not to read them until you have read them 🥴
Same way I can read the introduction to a book or newspaper article and decide if it is of interest no need to read the whole article!
So you buy a book with the title "Secret 5 go to ....." start reading then suddenly it turns into "50 Shades"......
That is the issue, an innocent post will get a political comment, then loses any credibility as a serious post.
Go away Troll
LMAO standard Snowflake response if someone else is right.....
Have a lovely day, I am
Totally agree! I put in a polite request about one post which had a political reference.
Most respondents were in agreement but a few were very negative and one was downright abusive....QED.
Shows why it is important to maintain the ethos of this site and keep it apolitical.
This should include the conspiracy theory nutters as well. Have you reported on the political posts? Sometimes it's difficult for moderators to see everything. Help them out and report anything you feel should not be here.
I do report them, as you say mods can’t see everything.
It amuses me that some of the worst offenders for starting political comments, are here agreeing 🤣
i agree entirely-This is a British heart foundation forum for peoples Heart conditions.Whilst somethings are entirely valid-"I feel anxiety and I'm alone during lockdown" Other things are not"How is everyone getting on during lockdown" All these Posts do Is clog up the feeds and information for people wishing to discuss heart conditions with other like-minded people on the forum.
In many other forums there is a section for"General chat" I am all for this . If any moderators are reading thisIf web space allowsI think we would allLike a forumFor general chat.That way we could keep the things separate.I think we would all benefit from that....
Well said. My parents told me two things should not be discussed with others, politics and religion as they are personal to an individual
I have just emailed moderators asking if we can have a general chat Section. That way of those who want a general chat can have one and those who want to read about heart conditions can do that as well. I have also asked that all political discussion except where directly related-For example"Government announces closure of leading heart hospital"Would obviously be permitted but other things such as"Labour have evidence Tories are wrecking the NHS And they would save it"Would not be, these will go in general chat under a specific topic heading.Hopefully that way everyone can get what they want and also keep their sanity! I will let you knowIf I hear anything.
Very well said. I joined this forum earlier this year after heart surgery. I still subscribe to it as I was mightily impressed at the impartiality and helpfulness of the forum. I hope it remains this way. There are myriads of other forums out there for people to espouse or push their views or agendas. I myself love a good conspiracy theory and delight in playing devils advocate on other forums. I would not dream of airing any of my gibberish and nonsense on this forum.
That needed to be said. Well done shaunyw xxx
I, like 99% of others come here as I have heart concerns. I am sick and tired of everything political at the moment. Please, do not hi-jack a thread for selfish political point scoring. We need a light at the end of our particular tunnel. Love and Peace to all. x
Agreed- makes no odds who is in charge- our health, needs and concerns are still the same. You wouldn’t ask for help and advice about something that is troubling you, then add that you would only take opinions from people with certain beliefs, political or otherwise. So no need for it to jump in on threads
I agree no politics so I’ll just pose some questions:
1. Does anyone think that the NHS could work more effectively with heart disease if it had more funding?
2. Why have some food companies been so reluctant to come clean about the amounts of sugar and saturated fat in their products?
3. To what extent are the heart problems many people suffer the result of lifestyles that have been endorsed by advertising smoking and drinking alcohol to us all over the years?
No politics in your answers please 😀
My opinions:
1. The NHS needs to work more efficiently. As does the whole of the public sector. The waste of taxpayers’ money is monumental. The armed forces want more money but, just one small example, they have a number of Chinook helicopters sitting in a hanger that they can’t use because someone failed to include in the order the necessary software. Hundreds of millions of £‘s wasted. Billions of £’s wasted throughout the public sector.
2. Profit. Sugar, salt & fat make food taste better and they are addictive.
3. Health problems are certainly the result of our lifestyles. Modern life is more demanding, busy and tiring than ever before, so we are seduced by prepared food, ready meals and takeaways.
Public sector comments but my point is that politics is in everything esp health. So our group cannot really escape politics.
How we spend money is political decision making imho. There’s never enough so a political decision has to be made. NHS or defence or education? Anyway I’m just saying that many of our posts have a political decision somewhere in them. I’ll leave it there 😀🙏🏻😀
Agreed - political posts increase my pulse rate and make my blood boil!