I joined this forum a few weeks ago and until now have been sitting In the shadows reading the odd message.
My husband suffers with unstable angina and has had around 5 bad attacks in the last two years causing his consultant to increase his medication about 6 months ago.
My husband is a very quiet private intellectual man who likes to visit his consultant alone which I truly respect. Unfortunately his last scare was only two weeks ago which I put down to his increase in alcohol brought on by the warmer weather and his taste for a 3 or 4 beers and possibly half to a full bottle of red wine most days.
My question is are there other members of this forum who also suffer with angina? My second question is does your consultant allow you to drink alcohol as I was under the impression this was forbidden as its weakens the strength of your medications.
My husband is currently taking 10 various meds daily which a few are for a prostrate problem which I could list.
I’m writing with concerns that one day my hubby will either have a stroke or a heart attack which I’m praying will never happen! Unfortunately my first husband had his first heart attack at the age of 27 and was given a quadruple heart by pass at the age of 38 after numerous attacks . 9 months later he had a coronary caused by drinking 2 bottles of whisky a day!!!
My fear is I’ve already gone through numerous heart attack situations with my first husband who unfortunately died at the age of 56 with liver cirrhosis. I’m now concerned that I could be heading for a similar situation unless I can prove in a very delicate way that alcohol is a no or in extreme small quantities.
My husband is an adorable man who does take on board my comments to reduce his alcohol intake which he does for a few weeks or possibly for a month or so after each scare.
Does the British Heart Foundation have literature that states alcohol is not recommended should you suffer with angina.
I forgot to mention that my hubby is 6.2.5 tall and is not overweight at 13.7lbs.