Boris Johnson out of ICU: Just seen he... - British Heart Fou...

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Boris Johnson out of ICU

080311 profile image
64 Replies

Just seen he as been moved back on to award, he will have close monitoring, but good news he seems to be on the mend.

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080311 profile image
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64 Replies

That is good news. And very symbolic.

gilreid1 profile image

A very lucky man. We are lucky to have him with us.

Sunnie2day profile image

I'm cautiously optimistic but I really won't feel better until I see him on his feet striding fully recovered into No.10 - and even then I think I'll still be a bit worried until he's been back for at least a month.

Saracencat profile image

To be honest im bot that intersted in the fuss over him. I realiae he is Prime Minister. But mire concerned about health of nhs ataff on front line. And those peoplewhoare on ventilators not able to have family with them.

stillaboveground profile image

Good luck Boris get better soon, our country needs you.

I think it will give everyone a boost to have his energy and passion back at the helm rather than Dominic Drabb.

in reply to

I agree totally. The sooner he is back the better, as there is going to be a difficult period when the promised tests do not materialise. Unfortunately Dominic Rabb does come across in quite an irritating monotone. He has an interesting middle name I have just discovered, Rennie, never heard of it before, perhaps his dad suffered from indigestion.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to

When Raab was appointed to May's Cabinet I confess I did call him Draab. Then he resigned on principal and my opinion of him began to change. Nothing I've seen from him since has caused me to revert to the Draab jibe.

He's a very safe pair of hands - his and Rishi Sunak's Clap last night done in front of the Foreign Office rather than No.10 spoke very well of Raab's commitment to being only the deputy and not challenging the PM's position. To me his choice of where to Clap said 'I'm the Foreign Secretary and have no interest in any other position.'

Sorry to say this, and I won't name names, but there is another Cabinet Minister who would have been preening all over the news and in front of No.10 last night had he been chosen to deputise for the PM.

Dominic Raab, a low-key reliable and trustworthy stand-in for the PM is my opinion. I have come to believe he's been severely underestimated by the media and not a few members of the public.

But yes, it is going to be wonderful to have Boris Johnson The Exuberant back on full and I am not embarrassed to say I got a full night sleep last night after hearing he's back on a 'regular' ward!

in reply to Sunnie2day

Hmmmm, let me guess, Michael Gove by any chance 😅

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to

LOL - yes!

Silverfox2 profile image

I don't wish him ill, but considering his incredibly poor handling of this crisis I try to not think of him at all. He chose to ignore advice from scientists regarding how dangerous this virus was and then chose to go down Cummings 'Herd Immunity' route until it was shown the the NHS would crash and burn even faster If he did that. Worst PM ever imo. This horrible, selfish man will get better care then anyone else in this country so I feel he doesn't need me to think about him one way or another. It's the poor flaming NHS staff right now that need the support not him.

dunestar profile image
dunestar in reply to Silverfox2

I'm far from a supporter of Mr Cummings but I don't think he was promoting the herd immunity idea. That was coming from the scientific advisers. They had to change tack pretty quickly when the modelling from Imperial College showed their strategy would result in the NHS being overwhelmed. There is no absolute consensus amongst the experts about the best way to cope with this virus particularly as it's new and not much is known about it.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to dunestar

Well the consensus rapidly ended up being to what ever other country had been doing, and thats go for a total lock down. And as for Cummings has been stated as saying some pretty dodgy things about who he was wiling to let die in this epidemic.

gilreid1 profile image
gilreid1 in reply to Silverfox2


Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to gilreid1

LOL Whatever....

gilreid1 profile image
gilreid1 in reply to Silverfox2

LOL. ?People are dying all over the world regardless of what or who they are. Have some dignity

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to gilreid1

Did I say otherwise? But saying that the poor will and are being hit the hardest. Money talks as far as care is concerned even now.

Redsea profile image
Redsea in reply to Silverfox2

Your compassion astounds me. I have worked in a hospital for 42+ years and I find your comment regarding him getting better care is unforgivable! May be you would like to see how frontline staff work, every patient is given the same specialist care regardless of their status. Staff work like dogs to provide excellent care to all patients. Last year I had two heart attacks and surgery, even though I knew many staff who were also friends, I didn't get or expect preferential treatment. At least he's not as pig headed as that American idiot!

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Redsea

Look, I'm said nothing about our excellent and hard working NHS and it's staff. For a start I have a friend who's starting at the London's Nightingale hospital next week, and I've been a big supporter of the NHS all my life, my issues are with Mr Jonson, who I care about as much as he would care about me. People seem to forget Boris has a horrible back history and is (imo) a horrible man.

stillaboveground profile image
stillaboveground in reply to Silverfox2

Your post started with "I don't wish him ill", but it sounds to me you do.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to stillaboveground

Do you really care THAT much what I think about this awful man? I mean seriously?

dunestar profile image

Let's hope he follows the advice of his doctors and rests during his recovery. He should have rested a lot more when he was first unwell. If your immune system is struggling to cope with the virus you are not well served by the stress of running the government as well.

Silverfox2 profile image

*sigh* I recommend you go and do a bit of research on the matter love. And as for my compassion, well I will continue to show as much concern for this awful man as he would for me...

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Silverfox2

Oh not just Compassionate, Condescending as well. Have a biscuit sir, sorry you have already taken it !!!

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Prada47

Ta, I will....

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Silverfox2

Then you'd best prepare to be exceptionally compassionate - Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, sees every face in the crowd, not just the ones who go along with his way of governing the UK.

Too bad you are permitting yourself to be seen as far less a compassionate human being than he is!

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Sunnie2day

God, the Tory's have a done a right number on you haven't they. The same BJ that was a member of the Bullingdon club and who's treatment of women was/is appalling?

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Silverfox2

Troll, much?

Alison1960 profile image

Why do we have to discuss politics on here?

84green profile image
84green in reply to Alison1960

We don’t!

Silverfox2 profile image

"he got the same treatment as anyone in ITU gets ."

Yeah, right, some people his age have been told they will not be even see the inside of a hospital let alone manage to get on a ventilator.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Silverfox2

Your false anger can't cover your politics lets leave it at that You Lost

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Prada47

I lost? Don't be pathetic hon. It's not a football

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Silverfox2

You have posted nothing for 2 1/2years why start now ?? Oh I can see why you never posted, you didn't have anything worthwhile to say

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Prada47

Please take your childish insults elsewhere hon. You're impressing nobody.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Silverfox2

Prada isn't the one throwing out 'childish insults'.

You need a serious attitude adjustment. Clearly you ignored your mum's teaching 'If you've nothing nice to say, say nothing.' and that really is too bad.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Sunnie2day

I think you need to take it elsewhere.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Sunnie2day

Oh and my Mothers already dead FYI. :)

stillaboveground profile image
stillaboveground in reply to Sunnie2day

Well said, my dad always said if you can't say anything good about someone then don't say anything at all. Wise words

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Silverfox2

Neither are you with your persistence in starting an argument !

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to bantam12

Whatever hon. :)

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Silverfox2

Please don't call me "hon" !

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to bantam12


Silverfox2 profile image

What the same EU thats been offering us much needed help over this criss? Pathetic...

Bicyclist profile image

I wouldn't wish this on anybody and I'm glad he is making a recovery. I hope something good comes out of it and makes him realise how precious the NHS is to us all and cut the BS about 40 new hospitals. Reward the frontline staff, including those working with old people visiting their homes etc. Build a relationship with those that matter and not the bankers as he likes to tell us. Boris enjoy your recovery and learn by your mistakes.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Bicyclist

Trouble is I suspect he won't.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Silverfox2

See you can't leave it alone !!

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Prada47

No, 'it' can't. This person appears to be trolling on any Boris discussion, this one being the latest opportunity for 'Silverfox2' to out her/himself as a troll determined to derail and cause yet another interesting discussion to be shut down by HU.

I am not reporting the troll and I hope no-one else does either. Eventually, if we ignore the little toerag it will get bored and go away. If we report the exceptionally ill-mannered scrot all that will happen is it will feel its won and has power-over. And shut down an interesting discussion at the same time.

Forgive my language but trolls have to be called for what they are. And then studiously ignored.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Sunnie2day

And forgive me for voicing an opinion. :) We're not all raging Tory's on here.

gilreid1 profile image
gilreid1 in reply to Sunnie2day

Well said. A heart forum being infested by nonsense

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to gilreid1

Depends what you define as 'nonsense'.

Silverfox2 profile image

And apparently neither can you hon. LOL

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Silverfox2

Your like my Cat she always wants the last word.

You have never answered where have you been for the past TWO years ??unless you are someone else who used to post under another name ??

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to Prada47

Oh here in between being treated for cancer. Okay?

Come along now children it's Good Friday peace and love to all.If you can't play tidy don't play at all.Let's all open our tipples and raise a glass to the NHS x

I generally look at this kind of mud slinging and shrug, but I am seriously wondering why I bother to stay on the forum. It's not what I expected when I joined and I honestly don't think it is doing anything positive for my health.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to

I do understand what you mean and why you feel this way - I've felt it as well. But in the end I've found more help (support, tips, information) here than I have trolls. Usually I scroll past but sometimes I can't help replying as I have here.

I apologise for adding to your discomfort by engaging with the troll 'up-thread' and I hope you will simply scroll past mud-slinging and trolling commenters rather than leave the forum.

in reply to Sunnie2day

Thank you, I know that you are one of the truly helpful forum members and I appreciate your contributions. If I do leave at some point in the future, it will be because of my own failings; even when I manage to keep out of arguments, I still get upset.

84green profile image

There are plenty of places where politics can be debated - as passionately and as personally as anyone would wish.

Surely, this particular forum is about health and that alone - sharing advice, experiences and support. Many of us come here for that and are happy to leave the politics out. That doesn’t mean we don’t have our views.

I don’t consider it inappropriate to wish the Prime Minister or any other politician (for example, Tony Lloyd MP in Rochdale) well in recovering from this dreadful virus.

There seems a cross party consensus among politicians to wish each other well, irrespective of political allegiance. It would be a shame if we couldn’t do the same.

There will be many shades of political opinion amongst members but this isn’t the place.

He may be out of icu but he is not out of the woods yet

Silverfox2 profile image

Sorry, times have changed. We as an island will find great difficulty in sustaining ourselves in the long term, and as for the EU have you read the news todays about their rescue package for EU countries. We could have been a part of that.

stillaboveground profile image
stillaboveground in reply to Silverfox2

I doubt it

Silverfox2 profile image

You contribute, you get. Countries are stronger together then apart, particularly in a crisis as major as this.

Helen_BHF profile image

Hi all, we're turning off replies to this post as it's gone very off-topic.

Can I remind everyone that the community isn't the place for political discussions of this nature, thank you.

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