Since I’ve been put on Beta Blockers and entresto for my heart failure I’ve found that I get really bad Raynaud’s in my hands when I go out in the cold temperatures it’s very painful. Does anyone else suffer with this or have any suggestions?
Heart meds and Raynaud’s Syndrome. - British Heart Fou...
Heart meds and Raynaud’s Syndrome.

Yes. It's very common unfortunately. You can buy gloves from the Reynaud's Society but in truth I found a good thick pair of wool gloves do the trick just as well. As far as I know there isn't too much you can do about Reynaud's, you just have to put up with it
Hi Bigmark61
Cold hands and feet and sometimes a drippy nose are the known side effects of Beta Blockers. I was originally on Bisoprolol - as well as cold hands , feet and a dripping nose, I just couldn't get warm - this time last year had the central heating running at 23 degrees 24 hours a day.
Did a bit of research which suggested that Carvedilol might be a better option. I was changed over to this beta blocker last June, and it has made life a lot easier. I still suffer from the cold -but only outside in windy weather, wind chill, but definitively much much better than I was on Bisoprolol.
My wife suffers with raynauds not gd her hands go blue
Thank you for the replies I really appreciate them
I wear woolly fingerless gloves and then mittens on top. I have been told mittens are better than gloves as fingers share warmth and sheepskin mittens are the best of all...... I do have sheepskin boots because Bisoporol made my feet freeze too - they actually work provided you out them on a while before you leave the house. Not so good if you put them on just before you leave. Good luck - it's miserable when extremities are permanently cold.
Mittens on top of gloves I am afraid - never tried it with gloves on top of the fingerless gloves...... you can get those mittens with like flip tops so you can quickly pick up that poop with minimum exposure to the elements! Hope you know a keen knitter. I have so many pairs of gloves (manic knitter), mittens, scarves and hats it is embarrassing. I do go out looking like my little picture.... funny, my husband always walks one pace behind.... beginning to thihnk it is not because he knows his place.....
My better half does knit, I ask nicely lol
Tell Mrs Bigmark that there are lots of free knitting patterns for fingerless gloves and also mittens if she Googles "free knitting patterns mittens fingerless gloves"

Hi Bigmark61
I live with a hat trick of vasomotion disorders.
Vasospastic angina, migraine and Raynauds Phenomenon.
Beta blockers make vasospasms worse. I ended up in CCU when prescribed beta blockers.
The Calcium channel blockers I take for my VSA has improved my Raynauds.
Maybe worth discussing this with your Cardiologist.
I still have to keep warm as the cold is one of my angina triggers.
I use this company to buy gloves containing silver thread and they work well.
I have fleece liners in my boots.
Wear at least 2 thermal vests and leggings under my many many layers at the moment.
I can not wait for the summer and warmer weather🌞
Yes. Been meds after having a stent fitted last moth and my Reynards is awful and not just when its cold.