I think I have this condition. My Dad died May 2021 and ever since then I have had a pain in my chest. I have had my heart checked and it seems to be ok. The Doctor has put me on anti-depressants for anxiety and depression but nothing is helping. I feel it is getting worse.
Broken heart syndrome : I think I have... - British Heart Fou...
Broken heart syndrome
Good afternoon Nordie58. My condolences for the passing of you father last year. I know how tough that is :(I 2 have been having chest pain for the last 2 months or so. My pain is constant and rarely goes away. The pain is in the inner chest and over the left side of my chest. The pain level is 2 or 3 /10 but There are various times throughout the day that I get quick 1/2 second shocks that bring the pain to a 6/10 level! This is extremely scary! 2 months ago I found out I have a Heart Condition called ASD Ostium Secundum (a hole in the heart that your born with). I’m in the process of getting this repaired but in the mean time I’ve been seeing a million doctors and have gone to the emergency room twice! The Cardiologist says the pain I’m feeling is not related to my heart condition or the heart so now I’m getting all kinds of test and exams done and I’m also getting mental help. Many of the Doctors I’ve seen say this could all be anxiety and panic attack related.
So fast forward…. I’m taking pills for anxiety and depression while I await for more tesr results as well as for the repair itself. This is moving at turtle speed and I feel worst everyday that passes! Every day is a struggle!!!! I feel like I’m going to gave a heart attack at any momento or that something bad is going to happen to me. I wish you well and I’m here to support you
I'm sorry you are struggling. I have a hole in my heart also - a PFO and atrial aneurysm but this was not discovered until I was 72, on a routine echocardiogram. My cardiologist says he will not close it unless I want to scuba dive - he says he won't have a piece of metal put in his heart and will not put it in mine either. (A Noble stitch would be best I think, but it hasn't been approved in Australia.) I don't think it has given me any symptoms, but then I've had microvascular dysfunction for as long as I can remember so I don't know. I have quite a few issues so it's hard to tell what causes which symptom.

Hello Nordie58
I am sorry for your loss.
I lost my father many years ago, the year my eldest was born.
Broken heart syndrome is now better known as Takostubo Cardiomyopathy/ syndrome.
It can have the same symptoms as a heart attack, raised troponin blood levels and chest pain, however an angiogram will show unobstructed coronary arteries and the heart is misshapen. It looks like a Japanese octopus pot, hence the name.
Here's some links to some further information.
Another possible cause of ongoing chest pain is angina without blocked coronary arteries, microvascular or vasospastic angina.
These types of angina are often overlooked.
I suggest you keep a diary of your symptoms and see if there is a pattern to your chest pain.
Then go back to your GP and ask for a referral to the Chest pain clinic for further investigations.
Good luck!
Aaagh, Milkfairy, I should have read all posts first. I've just typed out a whole explanation of takotsubo! 😱Four bouts of tako here so I'm pretty used to it now. I also have microvascular angina so it gets hard to tell the difference at times. 😉 I know that paramedics and doctors would rather you go to ED and find it's nothing, than not go and be having a heart attack.
You can never have too much good information😊
I am sorry to hear you have microvascular angina too.
I live with vasospastic angina, I was admitted 10 years ago with a suspected heart attack, query Takostubo syndrome.
I had an angiogram with acetylcholine to correctly diagnose my coronary vasospasms.
How was your microvascular angina diagnosed?
When I had takotsubo and then developed idiopathic cardiomyopathy, my cardiologist suspected microvascular angina, so I had a stress echo (treadmill) which was positive so it was presumed I had MVD, then a couple of years ago I was in hospital for chest pain that GTN or Gaviscon wouldn't shift. That diagnosis was microvascular disease and stable angina. (From an early age I have had chest pain and breathlessness on exertion but tests were always normal until I had takotsubo,)
Perhaps ask for a cardiac perfusion MRI?
I've had MRIs with contrast, myocardial perfusion scans and cardiac CT scans which are similar to angiograms, however I have a new cardiologist who wants to find what's causing my pain so is asking for new tests. I'm in the public system so things take a while, unless you are an emergency.
It's good to hear you have an engaged Cardiologist.
You might find this website helpful. It's written by 4 patients with over 50 years of combined experience of living with microvascular and vasospastic angina.
There are lots of research articles too.
I'm so sorry to hear you have been suffering for so long. Have you had an echocardiogram, an MRI, or an angiogram? Broken heart syndrome is a misnomer these days. It's correct name is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, (after the Japanese doctor who named it)and also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy, even apical ballooning, because the pumping left ventricle takes on the shape of a takotsubo - octopus trap. This usually corrects itself after a few days and the heart is usually back to normal in a few months. In some people symptoms can last for a long time. I have had four bouts of takotsubo - two after severe emotional stress and two after bad falls (physical stress). It usually comes on with chest pain and breathlessness and the ED will take blood for testing, especially troponins. If they are raised you will probably have an angiogram to test for blockages. If no blockages they suspect tako. An echocardiogram will show if it is a typical takotsubo - at least it did with me. Maybe you should insist on more tests or change doctors - we really do have to advocate for ourselves, I've found. I do hope you can find some answers soon. My very best wishes for better health for you.
Dear Nordie58
So sorry that you are still suffering with the power of grief that affect us all to one stage or another.
I truly believe that grief can affect not only the heart but other things as well from gastric problems, through to heart and mental ones.
But there is help out here and you need to ask for it, from your Drs to us each step taken has to be small.
Good luck with it all, we are here to help you
Take care you are in my thoughts and prayers
So sorry to hear your news. I developed an overactive thyroid from shock when my father died, and have suffered over and under issues since. Even though we know it is going to happen sometime it's a shock when it does. Do not be shy about asking for help and reassurance from whatever quarter is available. We all react to issues differently, and this forum is excellent for the lay experts we have on here-after all, if someone has experienced a particular issue, and is managing it well, they are in a better place to advise than someone who has never experienced it! Good luck, and look after yourself.
Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. My Dad also died in February 21 it was a great shock as although he was 84 he was in good health. Due to the lockdown at the time I hadn't seen my parents since the previous October. Anyway in February this year I started to have chest pains so went to the doctor. I then had a series of tests at the hospital and they found out I have heart failure. Only pumping 20% on the left side. My GP however thinks I have broken heart syndrome but the hospital doesn't go along with that theory! I am very lucky to be honest they started me on Entresto which had helped no end and various other tablets and I have so much more energy. Just waiting now for the results of an MRI to see if I need a pacemaker. I will be surprised if I do. Anyway I hope they get you sorted very soon good luck x