I am an 81 year old woman with menopausal problems was on HRT for over twenty years brilliant, then came of never been without menopause problems, now I can’t sleep hot flushes itchy skin all over ,went to Docters she said I could go back on them for a short time see how it goes , but it had to be my choice. What do people think anyone else the same can anyone help .
Menopause : I am an 81 year old woman... - British Heart Fou...

Same problems when I came off it.You can`t escape the menopause.I`m surprised you were prescribed HRT over such a long period of time.Why did you decide to come off it now?
Dear Black1938 - go back on it if it makes you feel better, and doesn't interfere with any other medication you might be taking. Why suffer unnecessarily? We're all told about allegedly raised risks of cancers and other conditions, but, and I say this in the very nicest way I can, you are a mature lady, and if you have shown no signs of developing any of them in twenty years of taking HRT, I would suggest that it is less likely now that you might do so. I wouldn't want to go back to sweating profusely at night and not sleeping, or having to sit out a hot flush umpteen times a day, or suffering aches that seem to affect even the roots of your hair. Quality of life is very important, in my opinion, whatever your age, and if HRT makes your quality of life better, then I think your decision is made. My very best wishes to you.
Having a heart attack isn't insignificant. Many Cardiologists will advise once a woman has had a heart attack to stop taking HRT
It is for us to assess which risks we are comfortable with.
I agree quality of life is very important.
Hi, I’ve been on Indivina HRT for 27 years, now nearly 73. My gynaecologist said that he was happy for me to continue on it for life as long as I understood the risks. In fact he added that if I was his mother he would give the same advice.
However there is a HRT shortage in the UK and I am constantly having to change brands and dosages and I am having difficult side effects but there is no way I’m stopping taking it. I’m looking at buying it online privately, does anyone have experience of this?
I’ll take quality of life over length of life any day.
Take the tablets, you have enough to worry about. From a man's point of view, I have lived with someone going through the menopause and it isn't just the physical symptoms you have to worry about. It seriously messes up your mind, I have three marriages to prove it!!
Seriously though, it can cause mental health imbalance, so why put yourself through it?
My wife who is 71 this, year has had Flushes for the past 17 years she pleaded with her GP for HRT and she said to tell you she wants to stay on HRT until she dies !!!
I’m 66 this year and I had a full hysterectomy 20 years ago and I have been on hrt since then. Around ten years ago my then gp advised me to come off it or at least reduce, so I started taking a tablet every other day, then roughly about five years ago I started taking it every third day. I have been told that if you take the estrogen only pill, it’s ok, although I can’t remember where I read that, so I’m staying on it until my gp advises me otherwise. By the way I’ve only ever had 2 hot flushes that were horrendous and that was before I took hrt.
You have your GP's support to choose and to go back on HRT if you choose to, as long as you understand the risks and it's obvious you do have that understanding. Add my voice to the others - quality of life matters and you clearly feel yours is better on HRT.
I started perimenopause in my late 30s and went through The Change in my late 40s owing to polycystic ovary syndrome. My gyn offered me HRT when the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH test) came back showing my ovaries were shutting down but I chose not to take it and twenty+ years on I don't regret that choice. For me it's done and dusted and I haven't had a hot flash or other symptom since 2001.
I'm very grateful my gyn offered it and spoke with me about the implications either way (taking it-not taking it). I feel I was able to make an informed decision, I feel very grateful I had a choice. My choice was different from yours but ain't it grand we both have that choice?
I started menopause a couple of months ago and I'm still confused. My gynecologist advised me to start taking HRT to eliminate the early symptoms of ovarian insufficiency, urinary disorders, and psychoemotional disorders. My gynecologist insists that I take these pills for several years, but I worry about the consequences. Some on the forum writes that these pills only made them worse. My colleague advised me to contact zmedclinic.com/iv-infusion-... because the doctors from this clinic were able to help her. Perhaps some of you know the doctors from this clinic?