I believe anyone diagnosed with HF should have a care plan either through their GP or Heart Failure Nurse. Just wondering does anyone know what a " Care Plan " is ???
ps Still under HF nurse/clinic
I believe anyone diagnosed with HF should have a care plan either through their GP or Heart Failure Nurse. Just wondering does anyone know what a " Care Plan " is ???
ps Still under HF nurse/clinic
Hi Prada47
Good question! Here's a link to a NICE document on the subject:-
I have shared care between my GP & Cardiologist.
Hi colour blue like the Sky on a nice day !!
I have annual Cardiology appointment ( with Cardiologist ) and an Echocardiogram prior to seeing him. I also have a Heart Failure Nurse who I can phone should I feel I need to.. It was just I read that HF patients should have a written Care Plan and wondered how that was produced and by whom. I know with my GP it's written on my notes that should I want to see her with a Heart problem I should ring her Secretary and tell her, and GP will phone me back or make an appointment asap.
My care has been Excellent and I have no complaints just wondered how other people have gone on !!
I have an admission protocol.
It was written by my Cardiologist, Pain Team and me. It had input from my Cardiology Prof and nursing staff.
There is also Coordinate my care
I hope this helps. Anybody with a long term condition can ask for a care plan to be written for them