I had a triple by pass 2 months ago. I had no heart pains before this only that my cholesterol was high and my doc suggested an angiogram which showed that I had a90% blockage in three of my arteries and the by pass was suggested.
I thought I was recovering well, walking a couple of miles a day but at my six week review I was told I had some fluid left in my left lung. Nothing to worry about I was told, just keep doing the exercises and it will go. Last week I woke with chest pains, starting just under my ribs and going round my back. I was also breathless. I was sent by my GP to the local Acute Medical Unit who diagnosed that the fluid in my lungs had now become infected. I am now on antibiotics but still breathless when I bend to tie up my shoelaces or even when I get up from a chair. I can still walk a couple of miles a day however.
Anyone else suffered from fluid in the lungs and have you any ideas of how long it could hang around for And any tips on how to hurry it along please.