How long does it take to have a contrast dye CT scan? As in how long are you in the actual machine?
CT Length?: How long does it take to... - British Heart Fou...
CT Length?

First the machine does not encase you like an MRI scanner as it is a large ring you go through so no issues with claustrophobia.
Total time is about ten minutes prep to insert cannula for dye, etc. Around 15 - 30 minutes for the test. Allow half-an-hour recovery time afterwards. You may not need it but in addition to the dye they usually administer GTN to open the arteries and a beta-blocker to slow the heart (for clearer images). I escaped the beta-blocker as I focused and slowed my pulse to below 60 but got an unpleasant muggy headache from the GTN. Fortunately a very pleasant technician got me tea and biscuits to take my mind off it! 🌝
It's nothing to worry about at all...
I had it yesterday, I was in the machine for literally 2 minutes which doesn't seem long enough to scan anything.
Err, was this a coronary scan? These typically take 10 - 20 minutes! It might be worth giving the BHF nurses a call in the morning.
CT Aniogram Aorta. It was the large ring you described.
Maybe two minutes is OK if they just scanned the aorta. Usually a CT cardiac angiogram would cover the heart and all arteries. Obviously though I have no idea what they were looking for.
I would agree with MichaelJH , also just be careful with zips and jewelery.
I agree with Michael re time for scan. I’ve experienced lots of short bursts of scans adding up to approx 20mins. However I am severely claustrophobic and do find the scanner difficult to manage so
I’m given a little something to slow my raising heart rate!

As an aside there are also vertical CT scanners where you go down into the floor. I suppose you say "Beam me up Techie" at the end! 🌝