7 months after having 2 stents into a 95% blocked LAD - I’m on last day of a 10 holiday in northern Cyprus. Genuinely didn’t think I’d ever have the confidence to swim alone in the sea again (I had some scares last year). But turns out my desire to snorkel in clear water was greater than my fear of what might happen. Just had my first swim of the day and I’ll have 2 more before coming home tomorrow. Beautiful.
Snorkelling with stents: 7 months after... - British Heart Fou...
Snorkelling with stents

well done you
Although I’m clearly showing off a bit....just want to show anyone going through the tough bit that life does go back to something like normal. I’m not brave or positive by nature.....so if I can do it, anyone can.
I had a heart attack and cardiac arrest at the end of December last year, so I was like you - trawling through the posts on here looking for success stories that would lift my spirits and show me things would improve, which they have greatly.
Well done with your snorkelling.
That is great. I am a snorkeler too and wondered if I could snorkel again. I have always been a bit afraid of going into the water in case I have a heart attack in the water. But I shall get going now.
Well done you
Fantastic, I had similar to you back in 2013. Before that I was a keen diver. Just couldn’t bring myself to go back to it afterwards. The thought of something happening underwater was too much.
Instead I now going climbing (if you can’t go down go up and do occasionally go snorkelling, oh and hill walking and horse riding.
It may not feel it sometimes but we are the lucky ones. We didn’t die and we don’t have to let our lives end.
We have to adjust but surely we can find new ways to be idiots
I’ve lots of ways. The best days are when I forget I’ve got a health issue. Also the ones where I take the least care of myself. I’ve no idea if constant awareness is good or bad. I feel like I’m better off when I forget.
Do you not find it’s best when you are paying attention but you don’t let it weigh you down?
A fact I learnt the hard way is I’m the responsible adult in the relationship with my body. If I don’t look after it it’s going to smoke, eat and sit around watching rubbish tv in its underwear...and that ain’t a good look.
Good luck and if you celebrate every little success as if it were a noble prize it will become easier.
This is fantastic to hear - well done & thanks for sharing. I had 2 HA’s and myopericarditis 20 months ago its been s slow recovery. But ive started swimming again and in the new year going on a cruise where I really hope to snorkel several times. Your post is really encouraging 😊👌🏼
Hi David, Well done you. I live in North Cyprus and hope you enjoyed your holiday here. My mate had 3 stents fitted a year ago and is back to running 5k and also Scuba Diving. There is a future but take advice before pushing it.
Lucky you - that sea is beautiful. I’m missing it hugely. Not sure I’m brave enough to scuba again....thought of something going wrong down there is a bit much. Snorkelling is just fine.
I would talk to 1.your cardiologist and 2. a specialist dive doctor. I can probably find the latter for you if I know your area of the UK.
I have to be honest, when i first read the title i thoiught:
"surely they can afford a snorkel if they can afford to go somewhere and snorkel?"
Sorry, that is just how I see the world - through Monty Pythonesque eyes.
I'm really pleased for you. The think I shall forever miss is scuba diving. If you think snorkelling is an eye opener, when you get 10, 20 or 30 metres down and swim with the marine life a corals etc, it is hard to remember to keep your mouth shut when you want to go "wow..."
Once my ops are all sorted, I like the idea that I can at least continue to enjoy the view via snorkelling...

I used to Scuba as well - loved it.
At least we have the memories, and in my case, a few photos...
The marine world is just amazing and brearthtaking in all its beauty and savagery.
Would not pass up an opportunity to enjoy it again some day - but I think insurance and health status will have some input on that...
How far out did you go? I have snorkelled off St Lucia, the sea is quite strong and I was only recently thinking‘that’s the end of that’ I had my diagnosis last Whitsun bank holiday, we had to cancel our South American trip because insurance wouldn’t renew the insurance. Husband feels we have to wait a year before looking for insurance.
Ps I’ve A Fib, no stents
I didn’t go far - maybe 20 minutes, but around the coastline.
Lovely. Last time I went out snorkelling was off Grenada, didn’t have a great experience. The blokes didn’t give me a safety jacket and water was strong and choppy, unnerved me 😥 Shouldn’t really have taken me out as it was too windy.
Wow that’s amazing I’ve been snorkelling in Cyprus but a long time ago when I was a young teenager I don’t think my heart faillur would cope with it now