Mood swings: Hi everyone Long story ive... - British Heart Fou...

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Mood swings

12 Replies

Hi everyone

Long story ive known that i have been unwell for about 3years, but everything came to ahead in March of this year, when I actually admitted to my wife that I was having pains in my neck and breathless by the time I had walked up the stairs and got to the bed, I ended up in hospital that night and was then moved to Papworth for a angioplasty, to which they was unable to do any stents as they said there where far to many narrowing's and I would need a triple bypass, as you can imagine my life just seemed to fall apart around me, the main issue was that my mum had died at the age of 39 with the same problems I was now going through my self. The weekend pasted and on the Monday I was seen by the same consultant who explained that they had met as a group to discuss my case and they had decided to go the stent route again. Over the next two months I under went a further two Angioplasty's and had 8 stents fitted. I was told once i had the stents I would feel like superman, well I dont I feel very hollow and my moods change in the blink of an eye one minute Im really happy the next I could just sit and cry my eyes out, every little ache and flutter in my chest Im paranoid something is going on, so in closing has anybody else experienced these types of issues or am I just going round the bend



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12 Replies
Andyman profile image

Well I hate to say this but it's how a lot of is feel after such procedures and Heart Attacks myself included. For me the solution came when I went to my GP and asked for counselling. I had 8 sessions of an hour and I just spoke out all what was in my mind. She told me I had PTSD and recommended that I sought out Mindfulness to help me cope with the everyday aspects of it. I have to say it really worked for me. Don't suffer in fear. It's counter productive and makes it all worse. Get help. Talk to your GP.

Zoesgranny profile image

Sorry to hear about that tonydiamond but it’s reat that you finally told your wife about the pains etc. And sought help.

I think that how you’re feeling might be pretty normal for what is still really quite an early stage in your recovery. Take smaller steps and keep a record of how well you’re doing. You’ve had a huge shock - to your body and your mind.

Andyman is right, you should go back to your gp to discuss how you’re feeling. Some of it may be down to meds. Good luck with the next stages

Zoesgranny profile image

PS my nephew had a heart attack in December at age 39. He was terrified of each pain and niggle for weeks after the stents etc and tried to do far too much to prove he was “back to normal” He spoke to GP, went to rehab classes and had a phased return to work. He now knows what’s normal for him - and what isn’t and exercises or rests accordingly. His mum also died very young.

Redsea profile image

Hi Tony, I had two heart attacks in the middle of May, the first one I thought was indigestion, the next night same thing happened, thank goodness my hubby saw I was in trouble. Three days later I had a stent fitted. This experience has totally changed me, I too thought I would feel better but, I am paranoid iam going to drop dead any moment any twinge I feel panic. Like you my mood is all over the place, elated iam alive ( iam 65 soon and my mum passed at 69 with the same) so I was literally beside myself! Next minute iam crying thinking about my life and how I will miss my family, the restrictions on my life etc etc. The impact, on not just me but my husband as well is something I never thought could happen. Thanks to finding this great site, the feelings you and I and many more people have is fairly normal. I have been prescribed antidepressants which help but today I an on my third session at Cardiac Rehab which I can recommend if it's offered to you, and they offer Cognitive Behavioual Therapy which may help. Please try and put things into perspective, I know it's very hard believe me. What helped me also was my husband went away for a few days fishing, I love him to bits but he was stiffeling me watching every thing I did and this added to the stress we both had . The three days apart allowed us both some thinking time and to realise we couldn't change the dreadful event that happened ,but realised I was doing everything possible to stay alive ie lifestyle, exercise, medication. You are not going round the bend, just negotiating some humps along the road. Hope you feel better soon and remember you are not alone feeling like you do.xx

Wetwanger10 profile image

Hi I had H.A. and 1 angiogram then 1 sent last August what u describe is how I have been

Even now I thought I would be a lot better than I am

But I keep thinking I’m still here and not getting any younger also my heart is damaged so I guess that all adds up needing to just listen to my body

I too had cardio rehab which was good as there were other people going through the same this as I was

I was also put on anti depressant and told it was a form of PTSD

I have stopped the antidepressants but still get tired

Hope this has helped 😊😊

Qualipop profile image

Believe me it's very very normal. I'm now almost a year since my heart attack and 2 stents. MY mum had heart failure for over 40 years caused by toxaemia in pregnancy which I also had. I was refused cardiac rehab as I'm in a wheelchair but I know I really needed it ; gentle exercise under supervision to prove to me or my stupid mind that I wasn't going to drop dead every time I moved. Even now a year later and still having problems caused by tablets, I get bouts of feeling just like you. I had counselling but she concentrated on the chronic pain I suffer from rather than the heart so it wasn't much help for me. TO be sudenly faced with your own mortality is quite honestly terrifying. Dpo ask your GP about counselling and don't beat yourself up. It's normal.

Bigbrian profile image

Hi tony

The bright side is it’s been attended to, now you just have to sit and wait for recovery which will come in good time, you have been treated by experts and some people don’t get that chance so stay positive

Harrison4 profile image

Hi Tony

Well done just think of what you have achieved😊 however like everyone says it is such a shock to the system, I had a H/a in March this year 2 days after my Mums funeral through the behaviour of one of my siblings.

I was feeling exactly like we all feel and still do and irritable , but through trial and error I have finally got my meds right, if you are on bisoporil it can make you feel very tired which can drag you down on top of the tiredness from the surgery and H/ A

The main Trick I have learnt is to have a sleep ( siesta ) in the afternoon for an hour or two this starts to stock pile the energy imagine under your ribs to beyond your tummy button is a Duracell battery with lines of different colours green amber and red so you need to top it up to keep it near amber and green to start, red is when you what we called in rehab hit the wall, if you can rest and do this you will hopefully be surprised how much better you feel, good luck let us know how you get on 😊👍

P.s. remember as said we have and still are getting there including me ☀️

Zoesgranny profile image

This is a really great wee booklet that gives advice but also a little idea of what to do and how to pace yourself!


Zoesgranny profile image

Oops!P.S. my own stents haven’t improved my abilities to copy and paste the right links😂

Hi everyone thank you so much for your, its reassuring to know that the feelings I have been happening are somewhat normal, I do have my first session of cardio rehab on the 8th of August and Im looking forward to see how it goes and i will take on board what you have all said

Again thank you for taking the time to help me try and understand what I have and what we all have been through



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