Thank you Quantum Clinic - Dr Aryan Tavakkoli for sharing this.
With all the misconceptions surrounding the simple soybean, it’s data like this that is hard to ignore – a 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis of 23 prospective studies involving 330,826 people.
The meta-analysis was conducted to look at the association between intakes of soy and risk of mortality from all causes, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases.
The findings?
Soya consumption is INVERSELY associated with deaths from cancer – that is, HIGHER consumption of soya leads to FEWER cancer deaths.
A higher intake of soy was associated with fewer deaths from gastric, colorectal, and lung cancers.
A 10-mg/day increase in intake of soy isoflavones (about 50g tofu) was associated with 7% decreased risk of mortality from all cancers, and each 5g per day of soya protein is associated with TWELVE PERCENT reduction in breast cancer deaths.
The study also found that eating more soya is associated with reduced all cause mortality and deaths from heart disease, ie soya is associated with increased longevity.
As with all foods, remember to eat organic and minimally processed (eg edamame beans and tofu).