Consultant: Hi all. I'm wanting to... - British Heart Fou...

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14 Replies

Hi all. I'm wanting to write down questions for the consultant that will hopefully help me to understand what is happening to my body. I hate taking all the tablets for angina. I've had indigestion bad and now I'm going into my third week. So not to go off track. I haven't had a heart attack I have got angina, not stable. With spasms. The Ranexa has gone a long way to making me feel better. Less pain but I'm not feeling that I am feeling any less tired

Knackered last week at work. Tired at home, not always able to do most of the housework. So if any of you can suggest questions, I would be grateful. Regards Sheena

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14 Replies
Healthyheart1 profile image

I'm on a ppi and I'm on a calcium channel blocker already. Ranexa was my last chance to sort out the constant pain. Now I've gott really bad indigestion and I have taken my gtn but the pain is worse. Thanks though.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Healthyheart1

Hi Healthyheart1

I have been knocked for six by the change in the weather it is so cold!

I am fed up of having no energy and I felt like a dormouse I need so much sleep.

Ranolazine is an interesting medicine it tends to work in only 50% of people.

The other issue is that we a individually respond to medicine differently.

Other options to treat angina are isosorbide mononitrate extended release or nicorandil.

Then a different Calcium channel blocker such as amlodipine or Diltiaziem or verapamil.

ACE inhibitors eg Ramipril or ARBs Candesartin

I hope your pain settles. However if after a couple of blasts of GTN spray at 5 minute intervals your pain doesn't improve you need to get checked out sooner rather than later.

Healthyheart1 profile image
Healthyheart1 in reply to Milkfairy

Hi, Milkfairy, I'm on diltiazem 90mg sr nicorandil 90mg, isosorbide 30mg. Aspirin 75mg I'm on lasoprazole 30mg but at morning and night because of my problem with my stomach. It's not working but I need to concentrate on my appointment at cardiology first. Yes it has been cold. All at different times of the day as well. I cant take any ace Inhibitors because my blood pressure is not high enough and I have a very low resting pulse . My arteries were clear last October. Thanks sheena.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Healthyheart1

It is so wearing bring in pain I know!

As you know I have lovely clear arteries too.

Just got my 24 holter back and lo T wave inversions and ST depressions!

I hope your Cardiologist appointment goes well.

Healthyheart1 profile image
Healthyheart1 in reply to Milkfairy

Thankyou. X

Healthyheart1 profile image
Healthyheart1 in reply to Milkfairy

By the way Milkfairy, I don't know what any of the 24hr holster results are. Onwards and upwards today is another day. Best wishes x

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Healthyheart1

It means my vasospastic angina is causing a lack of blood supply to my heart just like someone with blockages due to plaque build up in their arteries.

It is why it is important for Cardiologists not to ignore patients with clear coronary arteries and ongoing chest pain.

GuyThoma profile image

Dear Sheena

Whenever I see my doctor or consultant, I always take a list of questions. Tip (from a doctor friend.) Take one list for you, and give a copy to the consultant. My friend says, doctors get frustrated if there is only one copy, and they cannot wrestle it out of your hand! Otherwise doctors seem to like a shortish list of questions.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to GuyThoma

Very good advice.

My Cardiologist kept trying to take my list off me last time I saw him.

Hang on in there I had what you had , and put on so much weight mainly because I could hardly move due to the angina,Mind I am 73 was 11 stone up to 15 stone in months I was a very active person always busy then back in November I had a massive Angina attack in the Doctors surgery, if it wasn't for that I would never have known I had a bad heart ,They eventually after loads off tests and putting me on Statins and other meds that made me tired and sleepy couldn't hardly walk they decided to put a stent in and by jove it worked gradually loosing the weight and feel a lot better , so push your consultant to investigate, tell him how you feel and how drugs are impacting on your life having a stent is a breeze no pain you are a wake I wish you all the luck and hang in there

Healthyheart1 profile image

Well I've seen the cardiologist and he explained that when my doctor said I should come off some of my meds because of my indigestion problems, the cardiologist said that I had had a myo perfusion scan and that was positive for spasms,or and micro vascular angina and tell the doctor to shut up, just because he looked at my angiogram result and it said I have clear arteries.. it felt good because I felt that the doctor thought I had just got indigestion. So I cant have stents or bypass. Which also feels good. I need to get the indigestion under control so that I can start to eat again, then try and concentrate on losing weight. I still cant walk far I'm having an angina attack with the turbulent wet cold changeable weather today. I'm getting really bad sweats when at work, the cardiologist after talking a little more time talking to me said because of the stress I'm under at work and home that he thinks it is adrenaline hitting my body so I know I don't want to work anymore I really need to work longer. Sorry for the really long post and thankyou everyone for your ideas and feedback. Sheena x

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Sheena,

Good to see that the Cardiologist saw beyond your clear arteries and has some knowledge of microvascular angina.

Has the Cardiologist made changes to your medication?

It can take sometime to find the best combination of medications that will work best for you.

Learning your triggers of microvascular angina is important.

The cold, mental and emotional stress are really common triggers.

Learning to manage my stress is top of my list.

I attended a Pain management programme course. I learned how pain and stress affect your body and mind.

I was taught CBT and Mindfulness meditation. How to pace my activity etc.

I also attend yoga and Tai Chi classes and listen to various apps to help me stay calm

I also practice visualisations and breathing techniques.

Ask your GP to refer you if feel it would help you.

Pethaps printout this information from the BHF about MVA and give it the GP who was so unhelpful and lacked understand about MVA.

Be kind to yourself, regroup mentally and then look at the other changes you pethaps need to make. Just take one step and day at a time.

You are not alone and I am sure many of the others with MVA and vasospastic angina will share their experiences with you too.

There is no right or wrong way just what helps you best.

Healthyheart1 profile image
Healthyheart1 in reply to Milkfairy

Hi Miĺkfairy,He put up my Ranexa from the starting dose of 375mg to 500mg twice daily. No other changes.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

I hope the Ranolazine works for you.

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