Why does my angina come and go??? Feel absolutely great for around 5 weeks then ever so slightly the symptoms come back.. Have lost 2 stone and cholesterol diwn from 5.9 to 4.5 in approximately 5 months. Do feel tonnes better but confused..
ANGINA: Why does my angina come and go... - British Heart Fou...

Well done on the weight loss. 👍
Mine is like that. Comes on more if I get stressed! Glad you're feeling better though....😊

Hi Greenlady. Mine is the same too. I struggle to understand this??
Anxiety and Stress are the worse. I told my Doctor this and he gave me 2mg Diazepam to take when and if I needed them. They certainly help me anyway. I'm not saying to ask your Doctor for them but it's definitely worth a talk with him. I wish you all the very best. PS: I only take one if I feel I really need one or I'll get addicted to them lol.....!
"Have lost 2 stone"
Someone once said, there's no pill that can make you feel as good as losing two stone!
Well done on the weight loss. I've been steadily getting some weight off since my heart attack at the end of December 2018. It's not been too difficult, but there have been a few moments when I'd do anything for a Mars bar
God, just have one now and again. Sure that won't hurt you. Everything in proportion and all that lol 😊

Get behind me Satan !
I'm resisting the temptation until I get down to the target weight I've set myself. This is on course to be by the end of this month - at which point I'm going to walk down Peter's Lane in Liverpool One and go into Hotel Chocolat for a lovely bar of their milk chocolate. 😁
Great stuff. Enjoy!! 😊

Emotional and mental stress and the cold set my angina off.
The recent drop in temperature in the last few days means more angina for me.
Even walking in from outside on a hot summer's day down the refrigerated aisle in a supermarket will give me chest pain.
Brilliant weight loss!
I find that too. Stress and cold but not all the time. That was confuses me??
I agree it can be very confusing.
Even after 7 years I can be hit with a really bad episode of angina and I'll think where the hell did that come from?
Exactly. Cardiologist thinks might not be angina now and poss Oesphageal spasm and have been feeling fine past few weeks, digging garden etc, but this last two days, utter exhaustion. Just don't know.
Crazy I know. Not sure if I have MVA or is it something to do with GERD. I belch a lot. I have totally changed my diet to lots of fruit,vedg, wholemeal carbs and plenty of pulses. I have little meat or fish. Not sure if my gut bacteria has anything to do with my chest pain?? On the days I'm not good i suffer with indigestion type pain
Could you tell me where you get the pain if it is oesophageal spasm? My angina definitely caused by stress but this presents as a pressure in my chest. However I sometimes get a pain nearer my throat and I struggle to know whether mine is angina or not.
My original pain was def central. After the first couple of v painful chest pain episodes, it tended still to be central breastbone, around bra area, ~as that just compound the discomfort. Mostly, more of a pressure type discomfort. Sometimes I become breathless going up the stairs and other times can (nearly) run up them. I have no regurgitation or any probs like that. I do wonder that while it's warmer than the winter, this may contribute to my feeling better. Time will tell. Sorry, not to be more helpful, hope you get sorted.
Hi Susieque 21
Do you take any medications?
I’m not confident that managing symptoms is always going to be straightforward for everyone. I think I’m probably among the luckier ones as fas as my stable angina symptoms go in that, now my meds are worked out, my BP and HR are good day after day. Except for one blip, where for whatever reason I had a day of low BP for no apparent reason, then stabilised the following day. Think the best thing you can do is keep your doctors aware of your issues. Wishing you the best.
Like you Red, I suffer with sub sternal chest pain.
I have one stent but also a hiatus hernia.
Sounds weird, but when I have a pain episode I do 100 burpees to see if the pain increases or I become breathless.
Neither has every happened so I put the pain down to the hernia and not angina.
I take omeprazole but again like you when I have bad days I burp a lot and I think maybe it's air in my stomach putting pressure on my diaphragm.
Maybe you have a hernia as well?
In case your wondering, when I want to A&E and got a stent my only symptom was breathlessness. Because I get a lot of chest pain and didn't want to waste the hospital time it was my cardiologist who suggested exercising to try to differentiate between my heart and hernia, hence the burpees!