Hi Everyone. Hope you are 'ALL' not too bad. Just wondering if anyone else gets a thumping Headache after taking 'Nitrolingual Spray'? Had to take it twice today. Chest Pains gone but have ended up with a horrific bad Head
Angina: Hi Everyone. Hope you are 'ALL... - British Heart Fou...
Hi Greenlady 13. You've very kindly replied to my post about pre-op validity time. Unfortunately I can't seem to find your full reply. I wonder if I could trouble you to send it again.
No problem. I'll message you ok....😊
Yes it always seems to give headache so I take with paracetamol. The headaches haven't been as bad since I became used to the isosorbide mononitrate I take so I assume my body has got used to it.
I usually get a mild headache after taking it but yesterday had a really bad one. Took Paracetamol which didn't relieve it whatsoever. Took another two later and went to bed with a cold flannel stuck on my head lol. Luckily it did go then. Thank God and thanks a lot for your reply 😊
I seem to remember hubby being told when he was first prescribed his spray that it would give him a horrendous headache.
Horrible aren't they??
Yes, hospital nurse warned me about the horrible headache it causes.
Hi Greenlady,
I very seldom need to use the GTN spray but it can sometimes give me a headache. Luckily, in my case, this passes quickly ie less than 5 minutes.
They usually pass with me too quite quickly but the one I had yesterday was really bad. Felt quite dizzy as well.

Yes I’ve had that with it as well. Lying down really helps to clear the headache, dizziness and general “shitty feeling” I get after using the spray. Gives you 5 minutes of calm to reboot as well. Of course that all depends where you are when you need to use GTN!
So far only a mild headache after, starts about 2-3 minutes after using the spray and lasts about an hour - too long for comfort (I hate headaches!) but too short to justify taking something for it. For me, the horrible 'about to be sick' feeling and dizziness is the worst.
Hi Greenlady13
Headaches are a common side effect of GTN which is a vasodilator. It dilates the blood vessels to relieve the angina but is indiscriminate and does this in the head as well, resulting in a headache. Paracetamol should relieve this. If the headaches become intolerable or use of the spray is increasing see your GP. Hope all goes well with you.
Thanks for your reply. Yes I will have a word with the Doctor this week. Have to go for a Review on ALL my Tablets this week so will see what he says.
Thank you. I didn't know that. I never read the Leaflets.
Since I used spray I have cluster headache and ouch
Aww bless you. They sound really bad!
I get a bad headache and was told it was because it dilates all the blood vessels but for me the headache is better than the chest pain
The head pain I get last cluster headache lasted 10 hours and it’s bad coming from me that means it’s reall bad in fact lol
Oh my God - 10 hours!!! I would have been climbing the walls. Look after yourself ok.

I do but think my cluster headache is another form of punishment from the man upstairs after telling him what I thought of him for taking my partner four years ago I said give me all you got because when I get thee start running
Doctors told me that it dialates the blood vessels but I'd rather that than the angina pains. Mine tends to sting under the tongue but that only lasts seconds.