Hi there,
I posted a while back when my mum was diagnosed with AF and found the community really helpful and supportive so thank you.
She is on two types of AF meds and has just had a scan at the hosp, and her heart rate is now 65-80 bpm, which is good although her heart misses a bit every now and then, which is a bit of a worry.
Additionally, they also found a build up of calcium in the left hand side of her heart. She is speaking to the GP tomorrow, but I can't help and be a bit worried about this.
It would be really helpful to know if anyone else has either had these issues, or knows someone else who has, and whether this is a manageable thing? I think having just found out, it all seems negative and daunting. I am hoping that these can be managed for a good while as yet.
She is fairly active, takes the dogs for a walk every day and doesn't really stop. She also eats fairly well. Both my parents are going to start swimming again to try and help.
Any advice/help/suggestions much appreciated.
Thank you.