Hi all I was wondering if anyone can help I was in hospital after 5 cardiac arrest 6 weeks ago and I was told that I would be seeing a heart failure nurse which I did twice the last time I see her she said about me going to rehab that's fine I told her on the Friday she text and said cardiogist doesn't want me to go at moment well that's fine too. I am suppost to have a echo scan 8 weeks after leaving hospital so I ask nurse and she said she would sort it and that she would let me know well she didn't bother so I text her an she said she was going to ring me an she never I haven't heard from her for over a week now so my daughter spoke to cardiologist registrar at hospital and he said no one had ordered one and it should have been done when I was discharged from hospital so now I am still waiting for appoint ment and really don't know what to bout getti g blood pressure checked an all the checks the nurse should be doing.
Echo scan: Hi all I was wondering if... - British Heart Fou...
Echo scan

I am with you all the way, I am grateful but the services fail regularly.
Its the last thing you want when your not well.best wishes
Thank you problem is who do you complain too and I still haven't heard anything from heart failure nurse, even my daughter phoned her and left message to ring her back and that was Monday and she still hasn't heard anything.
I would suggest you contact the PALS (patient advice and liaison service ) of the hospital you were treated at as they can support communication. Hope this helps. Take care and best wishes.
Thank you barniecroft I will get in touch with PALS, i hope you won't be offended but I will do it after Xmas as since last Xmas we are having a big family Xmas as we are all at our daughters for dinner our three children and their partners and our 11 grandchildren which I have been looking forward to all year, I didn't think j was going to be here after 5 cardiac arrests an being put in a coma for 24 hrs, so I will let you know how I get on with PAL if that is ok with you. Best wishes thank you again.
Hi Hazag, I think you have consider how well you are aswell.
I know complaining can be stressful so be aware of that aswell.
The relavant authorities should read these posts to help develop
future improvements . Hopefully they do read these posts to give
them insight to make things better.It seems a great opportunity for
them to get views oppinions from many people. Best wishes
Thank you Hometerry it is a shame because while I was in the hospital for 8 days after having 5 cardiac arrests and being put into a coma for 24 hrs the staff were we one to none they were 100 per cent I couldn't have wished to have been looked after any better but the heart failure nurse in my eyes is a waste of space. I am so angry with her and at moment I am looking forward to Xmas so much as I nearly didn't think I was going to be here as we are having a family Xmas with my 11 grandchildren and my 3 children and their partners which has been arranged since last Xmas as it is first time this has happened, so I shall sort my problem out after Xmas. Thank you again Hometerry best wishes to you.
after Christmas phone the cardiologists secretary as well as P.A.L.S., as she will have the appointments diary. I have found them very helpful.
Have a lovely Christmas and let your family spoil you!
Thank you isobelhannah18 I will sort it after christmas and I know I will get spoilt.
O would strongly suggest contacting {PALS before CHristmas because it will take them a while to look into things. They would then be ready to contact you after Christmas. If you contact them now, you'd get a phone call before you go to family to get details then they will get back to you after the holiday.
something like your blood pressure can be done via your own surgery and i would also suggest contacting them and explaining the situation.
i have ended up in the same position as yourself and i have had no options but to contact PALS something i didn't want to do, it sounds like where you attended something has gone wrong on the screening and support discharge process this is where mine has gone all wrong.
i came home to find myself totally housebound and the support should of been there to help me get back in the outside world.
sadly it seems to be widespread and this morning because of the lack of any help i have had to call 111 and am now facing blood tests along with yet another home visit.
it is so unfair to people who leave hospital to be put in needless situations like this.
don't be surprised to find PALS very defensive but stand your ground with them and warn them should the need arise that you will take it to a higher level it may make them resolve the situation.
Hi Hazeg
If I were you I would start communicating with them either in writing or by e-mail. It's easy for them to ignore phone calls and at least this way you have a record of exactly what has been said. I have had lost of problems like this over the years. I eventually after being a shrinking violet for fear of upsetting them found in the end the only way to deal with them is make a fuss and let them know exactly how unhappy and worried you are about the situation you find yourself in.
Either way I hope you have a good Christmas and you get looked at soon.
Merry Christmas