Newly diagnosed with Coronary Heart D... - British Heart Fou...

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Newly diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease

Nik_Nak_Noo profile image
15 Replies

Hi I have just joined today as yesterday I had a CTCA and got given the news I have coronary heart disease & I have a significant narrowing in one artery. I am due to have an Angiogram/stent fitted very soon. I’m only 45 and in total shock. Is there anyone else here that was diagnosed around the same age?

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Nik_Nak_Noo profile image
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15 Replies

I have seen posts on here from people in their 20s who have all manner of heart conditions. Heart disease does not discriminate against age. If you read through some of the posts on here you will see what I mean.

Hi Nik_Nak_Noo, welcome to the forum. I was diagnosed with IHD when I was 42. I went to my GP with mild chest discomfort and breathlessness. My blood pressure was extremely high and I was admitted to hospital straight away. I had an aniogram, and had stents fitted there and then. To say I was shocked would be an understatement! My life went from being active and fun to being completely ruled by hospital appointments and medications. Over the next 5 years I've had a further 5 stents. I remember thinking "this isn't fair!" I also remember feeling that my life was over. I now realise it's actually the complete opposite. Having these stents has given me the chance to get on with my life, and has prevented more serious complications occurring. You are at the very start of your journey, and I know that is a scary place to be, but try to relax and be kind to yourself. You have certainly came to the right place. You will read lots of successful stories, and also lots of comforting words to get you through this time. Please keep us informed of your progress. I wish you well.💜

Nik_Nak_Noo profile image
Nik_Nak_Noo in reply to

Thank you so much it’s so nice of you to reply. I am in utter shock. Ironically my dad was diagnosed with heart disease at 46, so they think it’s hereditary. What did if feel like having the stents fitted? I have heard that it’s not too pleasant, so I’m going to ask to have meds which will make me be away with the fairies lol. Your comment is an inspiration to me & has given me hope that perhaps this will give me a new lease of life. I am having my op on the 4th July, so I don’t have long to wait at all. Xx

in reply to Nik_Nak_Noo

My dad was also diagnosed about the same age, and in some cases it can be hereditary. I think the thought of having the procedure is much more frightening than the reality. I would describe the feeling as discomfort rather than pain. You will be offered a mild sedative, which will put you at ease. Typically the procedure lasts around 30 minutes. When you get back to the ward you'll have tea and toast, which will be the best you've ever tasted after fasting from the night before! 💜

Boharford profile image
Boharford in reply to Nik_Nak_Noo

I had angiogram this morning and three stents fitted. I didn't have a sedative - they didn't offer it. Uncomfortable at times when the stents are put in, but helped each stage the surgeon telling what he was doing and I should expect to feel. I used mindfulness to detach myself. There was a pain killer constantly on offer. Dont be a hero - if you are nervous have the sedative!

AmFabulous profile image
AmFabulous in reply to

Please am having same heart condition,I need explanation on how u did stent fitted please,is it a surgery,how is it done?

laura_dropstitch profile image
laura_dropstitchHeart Star

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but, as Hidden said, this is definitely the start of better times - treatment to make sure you have a good quality of life going forwards. I'm sure your doctors will keep a very close eye on you from now on. That has been my experience anyway - I feel very well taken care of!

I was diagnosed with heart failure (totally unexpectedly) at the age of 31. I'm 38 now. Sometimes I do feel like the only non-elderly person in the hospital waiting room, but this forum is great for meeting other younger people with all sorts of heart conditions. We are definitely not alone in that!

Hope all goes well with your treatment and that you start to feel more positive once the shock wears off a bit. Good luck! x

Nik_Nak_Noo profile image
Nik_Nak_Noo in reply to laura_dropstitch

I am feeling so much better already with hearing other people’s stories. I am lucky enough to work as admin in coronary care & know the consultants, so they are looking after me particularly well. I just think you don’t think it’s going to happen to you, which is where the shock lies. Thanks again for your reply. It is so nice to know I’m not alone.

Dhomewood profile image

Hi Nik

I had angiogram and stent in September last year

I was 48

Scary as hell but if you look up my posts you’ll see a before and after pic of my LAD artery

I had some chest discomfort which was a bit scary for a few months after but I feel better than ever now.

Going to surgery was frightening for me but I had some meds to space me out The hour an a half actually felt like 15minutes! I could honestly say I’ve had worse trips to the dentist!

I was allowed home after 4 hours after surgery.

9 months on and I feel great - not used my gtn spray once.

Hope all goes well for you


Nik_Nak_Noo profile image
Nik_Nak_Noo in reply to Dhomewood

I will definitely look up your posts. It really has knocked the wind out my sails. I can be a bit of a whimp when it comes to procedures, so I will definitely be having the meds to space me out. I will make sure they give me a double dose. Lol. Glad to hear you are feeling much better and it has all seemed to have worked. Thanks so much for replying to me. It’s great to know I’m not alone.

Dhomewood profile image
Dhomewood in reply to Nik_Nak_Noo

You are not alone there Nik - I tried to put a brave face on but my heart was racing when they came to get me.

I realised afterwards that this is a pretty routine procedure for these guys nowadays.

Sounds like you are in exactly the same place as I was. Feel free to message me anytime. I found that talking to others with the same diagnosis was a great support for me.

Take care and stay positive!

Kimb3 profile image

I'm 35 and had a heart attack 8 weeks ago. Had stent fitted and on meds for life. 😏

Nik_Nak_Noo profile image
Nik_Nak_Noo in reply to Kimb3

Oh my I thought I was young. I hope your doing ok now. What a shock for you.

I was 43 when i had mine 4 years ago, 1 stent later and a life change. Going through rehab and cardio classes I have always been the youngest but on here you are not alone xx

Azy1 profile image

Hi im 45 had 3 HA 9 weeks ago 4 stents snd 2 bslloons later to be told i have CHD and due bypass surgery im stil trying to get my head around this all

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