Iv been reading through posts here and it seems that most people are in regular contact with a cardiologist (is this right) I had heart attack in February and had 2 stents put in. I haven't seen a cardiologist yet despite being in a&e 3 times with chest pain and passing out. Is this normal or am I just being paranoid. When I mention it to rehab nurse she keeps fobbing me off with. "You've been lost in the system as you had your stents done in another hospital. But that's the only hoo spiral in my area with a cath lab so I would assume everyone in area went there too. It's starting to irritate me if I'm honest. Any thoughts anyone?
Cardiologist appointments: Iv been... - British Heart Fou...
Cardiologist appointments

Regular contact is probably over stating it. Most of us have to work at getting cardiology appointments. You should get your GP on the case and make the appointment for you. Once you know that has been done then you need to know the cardiac secretary and hassle them to get an appointment. Once you are on the books it gets a little easier, but you do have to work at it.
Shoshov a would defo chase up your doctor,some people have heart attacks and there is no lasting damage (ie muscles in the heart) but they need to do tests to verify that,a get bloods done every 2 weeks n have so for 8 years followed after my stents😢 but this because my values in my heart are leaking,was up to cardiology few weeks ago and they heart specialist said there’s a 9months waiting list for procedures in the golden jubilee as if people with heart conditions can wait eh?but to be fair a got an admission date for procedure in within two weeks,so defo gets better once they have you on file, good luck and hopefully your health will improve all the best x
Hi Suzanne. I just think these things should be routine after a heart attack. Maybe I don't live in the real world🤷♀️. It just seems so hard to get a simple answer to my questions. An a&e doctor diagnosed me with unstable angina and gave me meds. My cardiac nurse says I don't have it and said not to take them until she speaks to the cardiologist. That was bout 4 wks ago. Don't they realise all this not knowing stresses you out. Sorry for rant😂
It’s hard especially when you don’t know what’s happening we all need a rant now n then And that’s whats good about this group we all in the same boat trying to live a decent quality of life💐,a defo think you should get into them the stress isn’t good you,you need a gab drop me a wee mail devinesuzie@gmail.com 👌hopefully you get answers soon take care x
Heart attack and 4xCABG in July 2015 last seen cardiologist 2015 have bloods done once a year at GP surgery.
I think they are lucky. I went into HF AF and Arrythmia Aug 2002 and saw a Dr on the cardiologist's team late Dec. Thereafter not a lot. I moved to Nth Wakes - big mistake - haven't seen a specialist heart doc for @4 years. Now in difficulties so make a big fuss, shout, phone, write, please make them hear you.
Hi there Shoshov.. I saw a cardiologist consultant 5 weeks after my bypass and Cardio Version and since then I've seen my GP for any queries and a cardiac nurse twice for rehabilitation exercises..hugs
I see a cardiologist quarterly as I have HF and he checks my pacemaker. Had an infection for months on the incision after it was put in so saw him weekly then.
However my fabulous BHF funded HF nurse sees me more regularly and I can call / text her with any queries /problems and she is on it like a rash!
She was so helpful and reassuring in the beginning when I felt unsure and in shock about what was happening.
Can your GP not help speed things up? Take care. Fiona
Thanks Fiona. I'll try see her tomorrow but you what it's like if you want to see a particular dr. So you end up having to tell another doctor what's been going on and by the time your done you've forgot what you were in for lol
Hi thete. Just caught up with your post. I had a heart attack on Feb and had two stents, then absolutely zilch from any medical person at all for three months. So I put in writing all my frustration and used phrases like " I feel extremely vulnerable " and "completely sidelined" by the medical profession. It worked and I had call from the cardio rehab nurse and an appointment at cardio clinic within two weeks. Writing is better than phoning or even e mail i hand delivered it!
Ha ha good for you. Hope your getting looked after and doing well
I had a heart attack in Dec 2016. Had tests done as an inpatient and diagnosed with a pfo. Released from hospital in a ton of meds and haven't seen anyone Cardiology or rehab since. All I had was a phone call to say they had reviewed my scans and the pfo didn't require surgery and was to be managed medically 😞

That's shocking
Contact cardiologist consultant Secretary .
There is a lot of people waiting to see a cardiologist if you have been assessed and found to be OK should you not be moved on to your GP ??? Doesn't seem to be the need for Cardiology if your assessed as clear. Think the clue is in the name " Specialist " which indicates there are not to many of them to go around !! If we all needed to see a Cardiologist for routine check ups there would need to be thousands more of them or we all wait for 10 years to see one.
Personally I believe what a lot of people need is Reassurance and that has to come from Heart Nurse ( Heart Failure Specialist Nurse ) or GP Community Nurse. I know I need reassurance every now and then that I am not going to drop dead tomorrow. I asked the Cardiologist that question and his reply was " When I stand up to shake your hand I could drop dead and so could you" !!!
Best Regards