Hi I have recently been diagnosed with arterial fibrillaction. Really haven't got my head round it as I suffer anxiety to .Finding it hard to get on with everyday life at moment.Haven't seen doctor at hospital as waiting for appointment.Could do with some support at moment
All new: Hi I have recently been... - British Heart Fou...
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Vonnieruth,hi and welcome to the forum. First and foremost ,you are neither alone nor unusual although it feels like that at the outset.Any diagnosis brings with it some fear and concern so we all try to make the the transition to a place where we understand what is happening? The good news is that invariably where there is a diagnosis there is a fix. And for AF or rapid heart rate this probably the case. Sounds like you're on the referal route to a cardiologist for a more detailed examination and treatment plan. If you have developed coping mechanisms for your anxiety then use them as this may help peg back any adrenalin which can cause or increase rapid heart rate.Try and do the things you enjoy as this will help you deal with the uncertainty. And difficult as it is, use your energy and focus on the things you can have influence and control over.It will get easier over time and the forum is here to support you. Good luck on your journey and try not to worry.
Thank you for your reply I have no idea what my visit is for as I have not received it yet My anxiety gets so bad that even going to hospital just fory apixaban and talking to staff the other day made me have palpitations in the waiting room This all stemmed from injury at work and taking time off work .First the anxiety came then the uncontrollable palpitations Sent to hospital by gp as I was on blood pressure Meds after that being discovered on visit to gp.I wonder if the anxiety brought it all on as I was fine in the morning then it all started in afternoon
Hi Vonnieruth. Sorry to hear about your anxiety. As Ian has said once you get your appointment you will have a better idea of how to deal with it. Have you tried yoga/meditation? It’s really helpful in controlling breathing and also anxiety? It may also be that because of the very fast heart rate that is causing the increased anxiety. The good news is that you are on their radar so hopefully it will be sorted soon. Take care. Zena
Thank you for the reply I have looked into meditation .Not really going out and about at moment Totally lost my confidence
What about one of the meditation apps I use those sometimes and it just helps guide you with breathing as I can’t do it without the focus as my mind wanders but the app keeps me on track. Just a thought. Take care. Zena
As the others have said, once you get to see a doctor, you will know more aout your condition and what will be done about it. Often for atrial fibrillation, they perform a cardioversion and this generally corrects the heart rhythm and you’ll be back to normal. My son has recently been diagnosed with this and it has also caused a left ventricular disorder but that should be rectified after he has a cardioversion in a few weeks. In the meantime, he is taking anticoagulant therapy to prepare for cardioversion and a beta blocker to regulate his heart rate. I am also on this forum as I have heart failure myself but not a fixable kind unfortunately. My heart problems consist of biventricular dysfunction with a reduced ejection fraction and a cardiomyopathy but symptoms are stabilised and controlled (mainly!) with a lot of medications, so you see, the cardiac experts have ways of dealing with all the different problems. Try to remain calm, do some deep breathing (it helps also to increase oxygenation in your blood) and look on the positive side.💖

This is another free app. It has loads of different types of meditation and breathing techniques. I have it on my phone and find it really helpful to help manage my angina pain.
Nice calming music too, rain sounds, the sea etc.
Thank you Will take a look at it