This seems all too common amongst post operative hearties with loss of taste also accompanied by dry/cracked tongues, sore mouth etc. Also well documented is the effect of general anaesthesia and pre-operative anti biotics which create a gateway for ORAL THRUSH. There's no patient leaflet issued, warnings provided or medication included with the sackful of discharge pharmaceuticals yet the scurge of daily discomfort which compromises nutrition during the the critical early recovery period.For those who have self-diagnosed and medicated then please share and if the BHF have already this addressed, then appologies but please sin post again. I do personally feel more could be done to raise awareness of this common post-op discomfort. One less daily irritant to deal with could lift morale significantly.
Loss of Taste/Appetite post OHS - British Heart Fou...
Loss of Taste/Appetite post OHS

Good morning Ian.....i have all this to look forward to. On the 8th June to be exact. The anxiety ĺevels raise in direct propotion to the number of days left before surgery. Anyway, about yourself, how is recovery going. Do you feel improvements day by day? Cheers Roy
Hello RoyM. Doubtless things are healing and I'm getting the hang of pain management but progress is slow. OK I'm mobile but only too aware it's not me but my body's agenda - tried some light garden watering but too zealous with the hose real so wiped out for the rest of the day! But It's still only my second week, post op. My anxiety levels were OK but I'm one of those who need to know everything so there are no surprises so this forum was part of my prep. Two things; the pain,whilst uncomfortable, was not as bad as expected, particularly, the removal of drains, wires and needles. Secondly, once discharged and at home it's sometime difficult, initially, to resume your role as partner, parent, sibling etc.purely because of your physical limitations. You will be exhausted so be on the social sidelines for a while. And if you dont want to meet someone for a coffee, jusy postpone, until it feels right for you - they will understand. If you are a 'doer' this is a challenge. On the upside , Netflix is your new bestie. I wish you the best of luck for June, Roy,which is just weeks away. Try to find a way of reducing that anxiety because your body will reward you.
Thank you very much Ian so pleased you are now on your journey and doing well. its comforting to know you were treated well at LHCH and that you had chosen wisely. Onward and upward Ian. By the way who did your surgery?
Cheers Roy