Hi there I'm new here - I'm 61 with A Fib diagnosed about 8 years ago. I also have Von Willebrands disease (slow clotting blood basically). Doctors have told me that these 2 sort of even each other out in terms of risk etc.
Recently I took up running and weightlifting again. I'm losing weight and enjoying it immensely - I don't seem to have any sort of shortness of breath and I do do some sprinting. I spend about 3 - 4 hours in the gym every day. I've been doing this for about 6 months now.
However my doctor has advised me to take it a little easier. Trouble is I feel great, better than I had done in years and the weight is dropping off.
He's advised a 24 hour heart monitor to see what's happening.
Obviously I can't use the monitors at the gym as they just give ridiculously high levels (200 bpm+ sometimes - I'd be dead!) even when I'm cruising.
Anyone have any experience of this combo of conditions and know the risk factors for stroke / heart attack. I'm feeling great but the advice is to take it much much easier!
I always seem to be an outlier in these things...
Any advice would be much appreciated.