I saw the Cardiologist today re my Mitral heart leak, [ moderate to severe ] which he confirmed, I also have angina, he wants more tests done, Angiography, and a Transoesophageal echocardiograph, I hope that's the right spelling ? I'm a bit scared about having them done , should I be ????
More tests: I saw the Cardiologist... - British Heart Fou...
More tests

An echo is painless it’s just gel on your chest to have a look at your heart and an angiogram is just a bit of discomfort they either go through an artery on your wrist or groin as for Transoesophageal I haven’t heard of that but if you go on to BHF website I’m sure you will find what your looking for , hope all goes well... ♥️
Thanks for your reply, I have already had an Echo, that's when they found the leaky valve.
The transoesophageal echocardiograph is a camera put down the throat, which doesn't sound very nice.. Just wondered if anyone else on this site has had that done, and how uncomfortable it was.
Hi. An angiogram is often done through the wrist now and I found it quite painless. They put a pressure cuff on your wrist afterwards and slowly reduce the pressure. The TOE is slightly more uncomfortable. It is a tube down your throat to give a clearer view of your heart. They will offer you a sedative if you want one, to help you relax, but you will then have to stay in for a few hours until it's worn off. I didn't have one and was fine, but they put a cannula in ncase they need to sedate you part way through e.g. if you start to panic. They spray your throat with an anaesthetic spray, tastes like bananas, which numbs your throat and can make it feel like you can't swallow, but you can. The hardest part for me was getting the tube past the back of my throat cos my gag reflex kicks in. Once it is in they lie you down and start the tests. Mine lasted about 20 minutes. I had a slightly sore throat for a few hours afterwards but was then fine.
Hope this helps answer your question. Nothing to be frightened of.
Hi Bowler, I've just had my mitral valve repaired and had the tests you mentioned. A transoesophageal echocardiogram looks at your valve with a camera through your oesophagus so you are mildly sedated whilst this is done. It's not as bad as it sounds and painless. All the tests help the cardiologists decide what is the best treatment plan for you so please don't worry about them. X
Hi Shopgirl
Like you I think I will opt., for the sedative. Wendy was very brave, but she seemed quite ok without the sedative, I suppose it's the thought of it, I'm gagging already.
Hi bowler,
I just had a mitral valve replacement 7 weeks ago and had these tests too
The TOE is its shortened name and is a camera down your throat to look at your mitral valve.i was very sedated and was asleep for the procedure.i would recommend sedation
The cardio angiogram was painless i just found ir hard laying on my back for a time as was really breathless anyway
I wish you well
If you need a new mitral valve i say go for it,its life changing and i am happily ticking away as its a mechanical one.
Best wishes
I will certainly have a new valve if needed, I'm guessing that I am probably older than you at almost 73, but I still want a few more years and to see my grandchildren grow up.
Thank you for your best wishes, and keep ticking.
Yes i am 45
You would have a tissue one so no ticking for you
All the very best
Jenny x
Hi Bowler,
I have had two TOE tests this year at two different hospitals, sedated for both. However the first time I was given far more sedation and knew nothing about it. The second I received less sedation and was aware of the scope going in and being moved around, occasionally this would cause my gagging reflexes to kick in. That said it was bearable and most importantly provided the information my surgeon needed, it solved the mystery of an unidentifiable leak in the top corner of my first TOE; that I also have a hole in my heart.
My angiogram was done at the groin, you don’t need sedation. In fact it is fascinating watching all the marvellous equipment moving around you.
The downside of having it in the groin is that you have to lie still on your back for ages after to allow the plug in groin to settle and prevent bleeding. I was dying to spend a penny and counted the minutes. If you are on diuretics I’d ask if it is OK to delay taking them until after the procedure.
Hope this helps, good luck,
Dory ❤️
Thank you Dory, I am impressed with all the feedback and info from this site, who needs google ??? I'm not on diuretics, but I do have stage 3 kidney disease so have to drink plenty, but on the day I will do without the liquids, thanks for the tip.
Pat x
the spelling is right nothing 2be worried about the angiograph i had in my groin it was ok quite strange watching how things work on a big screen in black and white but its ok.the transo thing i must admit its the worst thing ive ever had not nice at all i would recommend going 2 sleep 4 it goodluck with both.
I had my TOE and amigo back in May prior to having my valve replacement. I had the TOE in I was advised to have sedation which I took and have no memory of the test. Woke up in the recovery and enjoyed a cup of tea. For the angio I tried without sedation but I had some uncomfortable spasms which I found sore so asked for something and it really helped. Hope all goes well for you. Mary
Thank you for positivity, I have recently been diagnosed with mitral valve problems and SVT too. My valve problems are mild to moderate, my Cardiologist told me not to worry about it as he isn't overly worried yet. He will give me regular check ups, and I've got the nurses helpline number if I have any queries or problems.
Good luck to you all xx
My Cardiologist said my valve leak was moderate to severe, I also have angina, so I assume they need to see how bad things are, hence the tests, I was rather apprehensive about the tests but those on this site who have had them done have given me some good advice and encouragement.
Pat x