Hi, new to this group. I have an appointment next week with a rheumatologist as my GP suspects I may have psoriatic arthritis. I have flare ups of psoriasis and in recent years have had swelling in my knees and pain in many joints when i have a flare up, and sometimes when I don’t even have any psoriasis patches at all. My Gp couldn’t identify any inflammation at the time i saw him (although to me my wrists and fingers were puffy) so i think he is sceptical but has referred me based on my symptoms and history. I also have had slightly raised crp on blood tests for a long time apparently.
Just after some advice for my appointment really, things to mention etc as I don’t have any swelling at the moment and no active psoriasis patches, but i do have pictures of when it has been bad. Is it weird to take those pictures along to the appointment to show what its like when I have a flare?!