What do you currently understand about the causes of psoriasis?
How have the causes of psoriasis been exp... - Beyond Psoriasis
How have the causes of psoriasis been explained to you?

Not at all anything ii know about.it is.from the internet and that is not alot. I am having problems with my throat but my rheumy wont listen. I am sure rheumys dont know much about PsA and dermatologists only know about skin. I have had ulcers on my boob twice from psioatic sites. Frustrating!!!
Having had them for 50yrs only thing I was told was it was inherited and skipped two generations and it was nerves.
But I don’t really think about it having had them all my life 🙂
Not at all.
I said previously my first doctor said doesn't matter what the rash is, have some cream. The next said it's Psoriasis but no explanations.
Sorry Maddie I have no idea of the cause, other then my mother had it in the scalp.
I have never been told the cause.
I have never been told the cause by a doctor only that it's psoriasis.
The things I understand about it are
It is an autoimune disease which causes the skin cells to renew too quickly .
It can also effect the nails, eyes,and your joints called psoriatic arthritis .
All of which I learned from the Internet.
Autoimmune disease, multi factorial ie genetic and environmental causes.
I have not been told the causes, but have done my own research on the internet and conclude that it is an autoimmune condition, the body attacking itself. I have other autoimmune conditions such as Hashimotos Hypothyroid, Reactive Arthritis, Blood Antibodies and Late Onset Type 1 Diabetes. I have heard anecdotally that if you have one autoimmune condition your like to have more, I have managed to get a full house!
I have never been told the cause of Psoriasis only that its hereditary.