Do you feel that your doctors have understood your options and needs as a person suffering from psoriasis?
How has your experience with the healthca... - Beyond Psoriasis
How has your experience with the healthcare system been?

No I think most of doctors don’t really look and have no idea what to do so they write note of different creams for you to try. I’ve often felt fobbed off. Unless your sent to someone who knows more about them then they listen and touch
From experience don't take Psoriasis seriously. The first GP I had said it didn't matter what you called a rash and gave me cream. My present GP did give me a cream to start with, I saw a locum three years ago who said "well it's not serious, I've seen worse." and gave me cream. I saw my own GP over a year ago and asked for the latest medication and was told, "You don't want to bother with creams, they smell." So for the last eight years or more, I've had two tubes of cream, my GP didn't even look at my skin. Perhaps I should ask for a referral to a dermatologist.
I feel that my GP didn't really understand my needs as for years i was given different creams to try eventually i was referred to the Dermatologist and started on photo therapy which i had once a year for a good few years as that would clear my skin for a few months. I also have APS so i'm under a Rheumatologist and a couple of years ago i mentioned that i was having a lot of joint pain she then diagnosed Psoriatic Arthritis and the care i receive now is very good. I have a nurse specialist, Access to Physio Therapists and Occupational Therapists.
In the past have needed to press GPs for referrals to dermatologist. Dermatologists I have seen have been good. Hospital I attend has phototherapy sessions that extend into evenings and weekends - so not too disruptive for those who work.
None, but I’m not in the UK... Brazil 😐