What has been the best mouthwash or help with healing mouth ulcers? I'm having so many consecutively this year it's running me down. Normal things like frador and bonjeal/ambinesol are.not cutting it!
Mouthwash: What has been the best mouthwash or... - Behçet's UK

Personally I use corsodyl, works great for me.
Which one ? I have a green cordosyl but its been staining my teeth.
I have been using the standard one (apotek1.no/produkter/corsod..., it does sadly stain my teeth as well :/
Hi I can recommend bonjela complete it's a small bottle of licquid very different from the gel. Also Nears Yard lavender and myrrh mouth wash.
Betamethasone 500 microgram. I got these from a top consultant in London. Hope this helps.
I have been given difflam by the centre of excellence it is the quickest way for my ulcers to clear and also acts as a pain killer
Thanks k you I have this already but only semi to ease pain
Have you tried oratort/ oralbase? Spelling probably isn't right sorry but it's a paste that you can put on ulcers and it acts as a seal so nothing can get into the ulcers also protects them whilst you're eating food.
Also, in case you aren't, don't be afraid to take oral pain killers in order to get stuff done! Life is not fun when you're in pain xxx
After 30 years of use I recommend CLENIL inhaler. A few puffs , hold then blow out at least 5 times a day gradually decreasing as things get better. Also an electric toothbrush is so much easier being smaller head. Finally for some reason when I can't even drink water the only drink that keeps me hydrated and soothes is ...Coca Cola...true!!
All these work very well especially if you have them on hand at the onset of a flare they even stop it in its tracks. I personally cannot use any mouthwashes, they make things worse for me.
Good luck
This Aloclair Plus mouthwash saved me - when I have been at my wit's end with a throat and mouth full of ulcers. The product is expensive, but worth it IMO. It is thick - you dilute it with your saliva by/while swishing it around your mouth for at least a minute. I gargle it towards the end (hard as it is still quite thick) to try to reach ulcers at back of mouth where my throat starts. It has aloe vera in it plus works by coating the ulcers so a while after using it eating and drinking is a bit less painful.
For me the best thing ever was discovering triple mouthwash which was introduced to me by the London COE. It's a combination of Nystatin, Betamethosone tablets and Doxycycline tablets that you mix up yourself with 10mls water. I also use Difflam but more for pain relief. I use the mouthwash every day as a preventative and increase to 4 times a day if I have any active ulcers. Its pretty amazing stuff but I know peoples experiences differ. I hope you find something that works for you.
Coconut water
Coconut oil. Small amount rolling it around your mouth for about 20 mins every morning.
Anbesol liquid is far superior to Bonjela and most others ive tried. Instantly numbs the pain completely so for an hour you feel completely ulcer free.
Best way ive found to reduce ulcers down to basically none is to get the right drug balance tho, steroids and other stuff like that. See the doc
I am prescribed Lidocane and something called Magic Wash which contains steroids, benadryl, numbing agent, antibiotic and I am not sure what else. If possible I put a steroid ointment directly on the sore even if it is in my mouth. I appreciate the Lidocane because when I get ulcers in my esophagus a well as the mouth this helps ease the pain all the way down.
Magic mouthwash. Any doctor can prescribe it. It will give you some relief. Sorry you're feeling badly. Remember this too shall pass.
Acidopholus supplements are very helpful in reducing the frequency and severity of mouth ulcers
My son has had this for years and we could not find a mouthwash he could tolerate that would help. He can't have any mint flavored toothpaste because it makes him throw up except crest mouthwash but it has not helped the mouth ulcers
Best thing to do is use Sensodyne Toothpaste and gargle with Biotene to keep your tissues moist. Drink lots of water - more than you normally would - because being well-hydrated helps rinse out whatever has set off your inflammatory cycle. Longer-term, Plaquenil has been like a miracle to me, at least with mouth ulcers. See if your doctor will prescribe 200mg 2x/day for you. It starts to work in about 30 days if you take every single dose twice a day.