Induction: Hi! Wonder if you ladies can help me... - Baby and Us

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Suzy86 profile image
8 Replies


Wonder if you ladies can help me! I’m 25 weeks and I know my consultant wants to induce me on my due date (still a way away I know but starting to play on my mind!). The only thing making this pregnancy any different from any other is it being an IVF pregnancy. Was anybody else induced on their due date? I think my gut reaction is I don’t want it and will fight my corner but I was just wondering what your experiences were?

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8 Replies

I was induced but only because I was overdue. They considered me a normal pregnancy even after the IVF and previous miscarriage xx

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to

Ok great thank you! That helps!

MissSaoPaulo profile image

My hospital would have let me go to 41 weeks before induction of an IVF pregnancy but my waters broke naturally at 40+5. Still ended up being induced though as contractions didn't start. Induction didn't work, so after 3 pessaries and no contractions I opted for a c section. It wasn't traumatic, baby wasn't in distress but by that point I felt pretty sure it was going to end in a c section anyway and I didn't want to keep trying induction until the baby was distressed and it all had to be done in an emergency.

Sorry to inflict my life story on you. I guess my point is that even if things go the absolute opposite of what you planned and wanted it doesn't have to be a bad experience. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, hope things are more back to normal by the time you're ready to deliver xxx

SJA14 profile image

Hi, like you I have had IVF and I’m now 22 weeks. My consultant has advised me to be induced on my due date. BUT they did say it’s up to me to decide, it’s just what they advise so they shouldn’t railroad you into it if you don’t want that.

Lynnr54 profile image

My hospital has a policy of inducing on due date. When I found out I posted on the main forum and from what it seems it depends on where abouts in the country you live as to whether they treat you normally and can go 2 weeks over or whether they want to induce you on due date. Apparently, according to my hospital the reason for early induction is that there is some evidence that with IVF babies the placenta can stop working properly at 40 weeks. I haven’t looked into the studies to understand whether there are any other factors which could cause that to happen such as a combination of IVF and age. I had my heart set on a water birth which you can’t have if you are induced so I was heart broken when they told me I needed an induction. The consultant who told me was really horrible and wouldn’t listen to any sort of reason so I let them book me in, but I have since found out that I did have the right to put my foot down and say no, it’s my decision I’m not doing it.

One thing you might want to consider is the different due dates. My hospital due date was different (earlier) than my IVF due date based on the 12 week scan. With my first born there was 4 days difference but with my second it was a whole week. With my first my induction date was before my IVF due date which annoyed me even more because obviously he hadn’t been inside me for 40 weeks. For my second born I got them to agree that my induction date would go on my IVF due date so it was a week later than it otherwise would have been.

My suggestion would be do some research into the thing about the placenta stopping working at 40 weeks so you have all the facts and can make an informed decision. But if you decide you don’t want an induction then stand your ground, they can’t force you to have one. Hope it all goes well!

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to Lynnr54

Thank you for your really detailed answer. The reason I was given is the same as yours and I too have my heart set on a water birth. I know I can say no and put my foot down but I also want to do the right thing and worry about putting my baby at risk. Seems to be a real split between hospitals and perhaps if I were booked in elsewhere then maybe this would never even have been an issue. You are right I think I need to do more reading around the need for IVF induction and make an informed decision. My due date was only pushed forward by a day so I’m not too concerned about that. I just feel that as my age isn’t a factor and we had unexplained / borderline male factor infertility that I see no real reason why this pregnancy isn’t treated the same as any other. I definitely think I’m leaning towards no induction but I really do need to make an informed choice. Thanks again for taking the time to reply. :)

JulieOcean2 profile image

Hiya, my fertility clinic noted for me to be induced on my due date but my midwife was happy to let me go to 41 weeks. I ended being induced a week before my due date as baby was measuring big and that was the first slot they could fit me in (I was pleased to be induced, I was a nervous wreck that something would go wrong I just wanted baby out and safe) xx

Suzy86 profile image
Suzy86 in reply to JulieOcean2

I am wondering about compromising and opting for a 41 week induction. Nearer the time I may feel different and keen to get baby out and safe! I still have plenty of time to decide, just want to make the right decision. As you say I may need inducing earlier or baby may even come earlier anyway. It seems pretty common from these replies for hospitals to want to induce around due date it seems! Thank you for replying :)

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