Are people with aspergers cool?: - Autism Support
Are people with aspergers cool?
Yes we are , we see things in a totally different way from everyone else and we have some pretty cool gifts/talents that not ur nt can do eg great memory, maths skills, musicians Steven Spielberg is an aspie and look what cool stuff he has done too so I would say we are cool xx
I agree with kizzykat!
We should make it more known which brilliant people in this world had aspergers and other forms of autism. This article is pretty interesting >
Yes they are. My son has Aspergers and he is the coolest dude in every way. He is respectful towards people, good looking, affectionate father to his son, honest, says what he thinks (there is no beating around the bush with him) and most of all he is very intelligent.....
Your son sounds very much like mine, He also tends to speak his mind! He also has Aspergers, I think it's what makes him so cool x
You will be surprised what famous ppl are aspies they are the coolest.
I think it can be wonderful having Aspergers Syndrome but sometimes it is very tough too! I think people with Aspergers are very cool indeed! As are our families and the people around us who understand us!
hi my son has aspergers he is 15 adhd displaxia and torrettes its all new to me after years of fighting can anyone tell me how to deal with a teenager who goes in one if anyone can give me some advice and how to treat him as my partner is starting to take things away from him we dont no if we r doin right from wrong
Hi Tantantan,
I have Aspergers myself & my 3yr old daughter is Autistic so we're opposite ends of the spectrum.
Largely with my own experience of Aspergers, sometimes we just need to be told what we're doing wrong as we don't realise we're doing it (interupting conversations, spiraling off on a tangent, talking too loud/fast, etc...) & we can't correct it if we don't know.
The taking things away from him is a difficult one as we can form an almost 'obsessive' interest with certain items & can spend hours fixed with them (in my case it was postcards & comic books) & can get very upset/frustrated when someone else doesn't understand our love/enjoyment. As such, unless the items being taken away pose a risk to your son (e.g. some people collect martial arts weapons) then it can sometimes do more harm taking them away from him.
At the end of the day, the main thing to maintain is patience. You have a lot to contend with having all those symptoms (Aspergers, ADHD, Dyspraxia & Tourettes) but it doesn't mean your son isn't a highly intelligent individual. He simply needs help understanding what is acceptable & what isn't.