His anger issues have steadily got worse as he has got older, everytime we go to his paediatrician we seem to see a different member of the team, one said keep a diary so I did, next appointment they didn't want to know. Today he wanted to play a certain computer game but couldn't find the memory card. His dad and I spent 2 hours tidying his bedroom and looking for it but couldn't find it, so he trashed his bedroom again shouting and swearing and I had a large figure of a stormtrooper smashed over my head. According to my son though its my own fault because I couldn't find it. He is very bright but doesn't get on at school because he doesn't like being told what to do and when to do it. The education people said he had to go to mainstream school but his has an autism resource base so we thought he would be okay. Nearly every day I get a phone call saying he has got detention, which he won't do and walks out of school. This leads to exclusions and more meetings with the head of year who threatened him with the police if he didn't behave, he just laughed at him.
Behaviour : His anger issues have steadily... - Autism Support
Sounds like a deep unhappiness at school. Your son laughing at the threat of police intervention highlights they are missing what is needed. Who is supporting you as a family in communications with school? Is there a parent representative service available? Is your son being bullied or simply not adjusting to the social demands of school. What are the views of the Autism resource centre you refer to?
Sorry, too many questions, but it is often like trying to fit together a jigsaw puzzle!
Something I would like to say, that sounds like a metldown, during that period of time your son has lost controls. Meltdowns are horrible and scary from the inside and you don't know what to do to fix it. Meltdowns are a build up of things. So for example your son might have been anxious about school work, frustrated that it stresses him out so much he couldn't do it, annoyed that he couldnt do it, the boiler was really loud and then he lost the game and he couldn't cope anymore.
Do you do any sensory integration? I have found sunshine others have exceedingly helpful. Doo you use visuals? I create my own visuals and have others create them for me, it helps to calm anxiety and give structure. Does he have a way to express his emotions to you? Like a little postbox, text message or drawing. Can you break the school into tiny bit s, like first we sit at the table every day for a week doing something else for periods of time starting at 5 minis maybe after doing some sensory integration. Then you may write a sentence about the videos games. so you get the idea? Maybe you need to work on different stuff around emotions, health and wellbeing
As an autistic individual feel free to ask me questions.