Does fatigue play a major part in SCA, I get rea... - Ataxia UK
Does fatigue play a major part in SCA, I get really tired a lot & it affects all my symptoms
Oh definitely! I am like a dormouse and my lot beg me to have a sleep sometimes because I can get quite crabby (very hard to imagine, especially for me!).
Most days I try hard to get an hour or an hour and a half sleep just after lunch (just had one and rearing to go!). Once your body gets used to it, it works a treat, and makes the afternoon MUCH more productive.
Also if I know that a day will be busy, I make the next day a 'rest' day, and sleep a lot.
This way of accepting you need much more rest and managing it, really helps.
My neuro-physio explained it well. The ataxia body has to work twice as hard to do 'normal' things and so it needs more rest.
Hope this helps.
Litty : )
I find I have to concentrate much more on the task I am doing so as to avoid accidents, this in turn makes each task seem harder work than it used to be. If I get distracted while doing any of the chores it usually means spilled drinks, stumbles, and accidents , I find that this makes me more tired , but I do find it difficult to get into any kind of sleeping pattern and lack of sleep does make everything more difficult
i find i get tired a lot but sometimes have problems sleeping if i am over tired or stressed i also try to have rest days when i do very little but have to stop myself from over doing it when i have a good day or i end up suffering for a few days later its just learning to listen to your body when you start to feel fatigue starting rest linda (gossy)
Thanks fellow ataxians - Berejena x
Hello Berejena
I sometimes get very tired. There is no pattern to it I can be busy or not. It's infuriating. I try not to sleep because I don't want to interfere with my night time sleep. I do however rest ànd I pace myself. I try and do the same amount daily,' it doesn't always work but hey ho!
Perhaps if we tell our brains whát we want it will respond to that,after all it has worked on repitition for year.
Tàke care
Kind regards.
Hi Carol, thanks for that, your sleep p;attern sounds similar to mine but I'm in Southern Spain & it's so hot I usually need a siesta for 1Hr - 2 hrs.
Take care kind regards