This is a story that goes back over 2 months now and have given up. Its not a medical issue, but is Ataxia related.
I had my PIP renewal form (or whatever it was) delivered last year, and I am staying on the lower rate. I just accepted the decision, as did not want to "rock the boat". However my partner was telling her eldest son, nd he was saying he had someone who works for him (a social housing firm) who deals with PIP and the likes as a full time job. After my other half talked to her at length, it was decided to ask for a "mandatory reconsideration", as we felt quite a few issues things were just been ignored. Along with my recent evidence, I wanted a letter from Prof H (and was prepared to pay for it), so I found his E-Mail address and fired of an e mail... no response, so I thought send one to the Ataxia dept at Sheffield, so did, again, no response. I was getting a tad p****d of by this time so decide to write one to Ataxia UK, asking if they could help get a response, guess what, NO response to that e mail either. So my other half just drove to her sons in Leicester (over 100 miles, and is recovering from a couple of breast cancer ops/radiation) dropped off the original documents, which he copied there and then, and gave the copies to his work colleague.
So the moral is do not rely on e mail addresses been right and/or acted on