Is it possible to resort to pharmacological coma when a person suffering from ataxia has to remain tied to the bed and is fed artificially?
pharmacological coma: Is it possible to resort to... - Ataxia UK
pharmacological coma

Dear Michael, My name is Wendy and I work at Ataxia UK. I am very sorry to hear of the situation you describe.
Pharmacological or induced comas, which in all instances are only temporary, are used in only certain situations; if a person is undergoing major neurosurgery to protect their brain; as a last line of treatment in certain cases when an epileptic seizure in a person is ongoing and other treatment options haven’t worked; and in certain circumstances following a patient sustaining a traumatic brain injury. A pharmacological or induced coma would not be indicated in the situation you describe.
Thank you for sharing your query on such a sensitive subject. Please consider discussing this situation with your GP, neurologist or the medical professional in charge of the person’s care. If you or a family member or someone you care for is thinking about care options you can contact the Ataxia UK Helpline and we can provide you with information, advice and support around care needs. We would be glad to hear from you and support you in any way we can. You can reach the Helpline on 0800 995 6037 or
We also have a support group for carers, the next meeting is on Thursday 13 June 2-3.30pm – to find out more check out our website:
Well that got my attention. I cannot comprehend this situation.
How awful hope i never get to that not worth living poor personne x