Wounded on patrol in the Middle East and a Motar Shell hit my section and I received gunshot wounds to head, eyes, brain with Shrapnel entering my Cerebellum leaving my with Ataxia
CEREBAL ATAXIA: Wounded on patrol in the Middle... - Ataxia UK

life so unfair at times you have this horrible condition through serving our country and trying to keep people safe, I hope life is giving you all you deserve. Keep strong I know it’s so easy to say, take care
So sorry to hear of the way you acquired ataxia ........ though there's not going to be a suitable way. Keep texting if you're able to, you're sure to find a like minded spirit perhaps with a similar tragic experience.
from one Military Veteran(RAF) to another, thank you for your service to Queen and Country, we are of a simular age, I look forward to a better life every day that I wake up, I have too many medical problems to list here, I put them to the back of my mind, forget them and live my life as best I can
Take care and stay safe.