Traumas I am 81 years old and tragically lost my two sons sometime ago, when my husband died five years ago it was thought I had post traumatic stress I was taken into hospital with suspected strokes a couple. of times before I was diagnosed with Ataxia. When I was diagnosed I realised that I had had it coming for some time. Does anyone else think trauma may have brought there ataxia on?
Traumas: Traumas I am 81 years old and tragically... - Ataxia UK
😔 I’m so sorry about your bereavements..
🤔 I had a head trauma when I was quite was before seat belts were introduced in cars, and I was catapulted from the back seat into the windscreen when my dad braked suddenly. And years later….I went on to have whiplash incidents.
My ataxia is still classed as Idiopathic/Sporadic… and I sometimes wonder if these incidents had anything to do with it.
It is acknowledged that there can be several known causes for ataxia other than it being genetic..trauma is one of them, stroke could be just isn’t possible to identify the cause/trigger.
Hi Deanna
All respect to you you are doing really well. Nobody really knows but although my ataxia is inhereted my symptoms came on a few months after a real stressful time so maybe it’s possible I never rule anything out.
You take my friend and stay strong 👍🏻
Hi I fell down the stairs and also had a car accident told the specialist but he didn't think it was anything to do with ataxia but my symptoms started straight after the accident but they don't know what caused my Ataxia
Yes I think ataxia can be caused by trauma.Trauma can be both like an accident, which we all think of as trauma, but also in a stressful situation, drip by drip, over a long period of a time,
Stress and trauma will have a detrimental effect on the body sending hormones, which are messengers in the body, into disarray and potential freefall. I think our physicological health is just as important as our physical health.
We need to take care of ourselves to the best of our ability. Sometimes hard with ataxia.
Take care