我来自中国,于 2021 年 8 月被诊断出患有 SCA2-43。我一直在按照 Joe Peck 先生的建议进行锻炼和服用补充剂。现在病情没有明显进展。我想听听您对丁螺环酮和酒石(一种于 2000 年在日本注册的用于治疗共济失调的药物)的看法。有关欧洲地区 SCA 的最新更新?
l am a newcomer, and i want to know all about SC... - Ataxia UK
l am a newcomer, and i want to know all about SCA2、ataxia and tartarine.

Hi There!
I am aware that buspirone was studied almost 2 decades ago for ataxia and I believe it did show some symptom relief for a small group that was tested, but I have not seen any recent research on it. I think one other person on here asked their doctor if they could try it, but I don't recall hearing any result. I do believe it is mentioned on practicalnuerology.com.
However, if you are following the advice of Mr. Peck you may be interested in the following links that support his most often mentioned supplement:
Trehalose Fast Tracked for Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Oral trehalose maybe helpful for patients with spinocerebellar ataxia 3
and although this trial is not for SCA it is still looking at oral trehalose as a treatment
Efficacy of Oral Administration of Trehalose in Patients With Parkinson Disease
It seems he may have been on to something after all.
So happy to see your recovery, I also believe that trehalose helps with SCA, in fact, I plan to take 100g/day. Hopefully it will slow down the disease process. I wish you good health.
I have seen some protocols in some Chinese literature for the treatment of SCA with buspirone. Buspirone: (Increase to 5mg twice a day in week 2 and up to 10mg 4 times a day in week 3. (Take this dose thereafter for a total of 3 months/reduce to the maximum tolerated dose if the patient experiences repeated intolerable adverse reactions or discontinue treatment.) I hope this program will be helpful to you. I wish you good health.
One more question. Do you have his new website forum?
Hello, I am also new her. You mentioned Mr Joe peck , who is he and how can I make contact? Thanks
This is a very famous post in the forum. Here is the link for you.healthunlocked.com/ataxia-u....
Thanks. What form of exercise do you do?
You may also be interested in this research from Columbia University in New York. It theorizes that any aerobic exercise may be beneficial for people with inherited forms of SCA. If you click on the first two links it takes you to the research. The third link takes you to a blog post updated by Mr. Peck where he explains any changes he has made to his original routine he shared on Health Unlocked.
Phase I Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Balance and Aerobic Training in Degenerative Cerebellar Disease
there is actually a second larger trial now underway as well
and here is the link to Mr. Peck's blog post (you must go to the end for the latest changes):