New to ataxia : Hi Everyone Newly diagnosed... - Ataxia UK

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New to ataxia

Fortoday profile image
25 Replies

Hi Everyone

Newly diagnosed after 3 yr search and deterioration

Dont know what plan I should follow to help re chronic severe spinal sensations aiming speech slurring and coordination problems had mri on brain snd spine before BUT just had redone at Queens Sq. Waiting results

Cellebella Ataxia on discharge and progressive endlessly used

Chronic decline in 12 months

Desperately upset but MUST accept

THANKS for any tips

Live alone


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Fortoday profile image
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25 Replies
Fortoday profile image

Many thanks..helps

Back soon

Wish you well

majajefferies profile image

Who did you see?

What did they tell you to do?

Do you have the exact type of ataxia dignosed or are they still running genetic tests?

That is crucial as there are many clinical trials around you could choose to join, and many more in the pipeline.

I would consider physiotherapy, speech and language and seeing an ot.

Also, consider applying for an adaptation grant for your home, and the ot will help you decide what to have done.

It is a progressive condition but it is always rapid and it could be years before you see deterioration.

Read up on prof Tabrizi’s progress with Huntington's drug trial. This type of drug is being engineered for other types of ataxia and we are all very hopeful.

Make yourself physically as strong as possible and don‘t forget your mental wellbeing.

You are by no means alone.

Ataxia UK and National Ataxia Foundation (USA) have fantastic websites with tons of advice, read, read, read, educate yourself.

But first and foremost, ask for a specific diagnosis, get a multidisciplinary team assessment (at queens), speak to your local social services (they have an ot who can help you with a grant/council) and start exercising!

Your body has a glitch but you are in control! Take control!

Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to majajefferies

Massive help...thanks

Huge deterioration over last 12 months but told by QS should plateau..... needs managing to do so

Awaiting gene tests etc after 2 days as inpatient

Walking most upsetting

Seen OT

Shower in..... my adored deep bath out

Trying to find a walker, Rollator

Need an exercise plan

Whats suggested for chronic mobility pl?

Thanks v much


majajefferies profile image
majajefferies in reply to Fortoday

Where are you based? We r in essex

My son has DRPLA, rare form of SCA

Rollators were extensively reviewed on this forum, there was one that didn’t tip over, looked good, have a read through the history

Physio exercises for ataxia are all online, haven’t found a physio yet, all proved useles... ANYONE???

If you message me maybe I can help further

majajefferies profile image
majajefferies in reply to Fortoday

Don’t give up on yr bath if u like it, ask for a hoist system to be installed and there is no reason why you can’t continue using yr bath.

I love heat, so I have a small sauna which I lie in and my muscles relax, it is a piece of heaven...

Jingle1967 profile image

I can empathise with your position totally.

I was diagnosed last December following a couple of years of balance issues and then my speech started slurring last August. I’m 53 and feel like I’ve aged about 30 years in the last 18 months. I stopped driving and sold my car 2 months ago, my speech is quite bad, I can’t write, my typings terrible and my physio gave me a walking stick last week. It all seems to be happening so quickly - just when I think it’s plateaued it gets worse again. To say I’m devastated is an understatement.

You need a referral to a local physio and speech therapist - I’ve found them really helpful. Exercise is also helping - there are some exercises on which I’ve found quite helpful. I do these twice a day - nothing strenuous. I also joined an exercise class on Zoom that’s held daily - it’s run by Stayactive4life, they do some strength and balance classes and it is helping.

I know it’s hard, but there are things you can do to improve your ability to face your symptoms you just have to look for them. You have to read, read and read up about the condition because nobody is going to give you much information about it as they don’t know what it is, and there is lots of helpful stuff on here and

If you need a friendly ear, don’t hesitate to contact me. It does help to speak to people who know exactly how you feel.

Stay strong.

Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to Jingle1967

Very v grateful for reply

Back soon


Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to Jingle1967

Looked for exercises..could you forward?? THANKS a lot


Jingle1967 profile image
Jingle1967 in reply to Fortoday

I’ve put the link to the page here - not sure if there’s another way of sharing this, but if there is I couldn’t work if out:

Let me know if you can’t use the link.

Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to Jingle1967

Works perfectly v grateful THANKS

Arlo20 profile image

Hi sorry to hear your decline ,ive also noticed big decline in last year when did you have your scans and how long do you have to wait as im waiting for my results hope you feel better soon .

Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to Arlo20


We know its Cellebella Ataxia

Chat on phone 20 Oct

Arlo20 profile image
Arlo20 in reply to Fortoday

Hope it goes well for you .

Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to Arlo20

Thanks v much

Lucycord123 profile image
Lucycord123 in reply to Fortoday

Does SCA run in your family and do you know what type of SCA you have? I'm Lucy, I'm 32 and was diagnosed with SCA2 last year which runs in my family. I'm still walking but my balance is rubbish, my speech is also slurred. I'm a social worker and due to covid we are currently working from home although I can feel my degderity worse when writing reports. Hope you get more clarity.


Piero profile image

Every good wish Fortoday. You asked for advice. I'm seventy-six now. I was diagnosed with SCA eight years ago and I reckon like many in the ataxia community I had it for a year or two before that. Anyway, I have only two pieces of advice to offer. Firstly, visit this site frequently, accumulatively there's a great wealth of experience on it and available to all of us.

Secondly, if you're able to, keep walking. It might mean walking with an aid or as was my case an hour ago walking supported by my wife's arm but keep at it. I suspect that the 'use it or lose it' adage applies unrelentingly to our condition. All the very best!

Fortoday profile image

Really appreciate your reply...will do A

Jessie70 profile image

Good morning Angela

I have cerebellum ataxia cause unknown. I got my diagnosis in May, 2019. I have been misdiagnosed for over 10-15 years. I lose count because there’s really nothing the medical field can do for me. Like you I’m declining rapidly but what made me reread your post was, chronic decline in 12 months. I found that confusing. I’ve been declining for YEARS! Not one doctor ever gave me a window of time and I’ve asked often. I tend to have an ataxia attack, (my words) and I have another decline. Weight loss mostly. I have the typical ataxia issues. Slurred speech, my walking is horrible, fatigue, and chronic pain. I’m sure there’s more but who cares? I don’t. I’m just trying to be happy. Yes I have bad days but I also have great days. I’m 50. My MRI from 2008 said I have severe atrophy in my brain for a patient my age. I was 38. Nobody said anything to me. I worked full time. I used a cane because I was “clumsy “ I slurred my words because I was “tired”. The list goes on and on. My point is they didn’t know much in 2008 and now I have a diagnosis. That’s probably the biggest difference. Everyone is different. I hope you find answers. Have a great weekend!

Fortoday profile image
Fortoday in reply to Jessie70

THANKS for your reply

Sorry for your journey

I was meaning that I personally have seen decline of all symptons in 12 months

We mustnt give up moving i feel althoug walking is chronic

What aid helps? I have stick. Not safe


Jessie70 profile image

I’ve given up on walking aides. Cane is no longer stable. My walker is cumbersome. I have a bit of a temper so I end up throwing it across the room. My family wants me to get a wheelchair. I’m not ready or maybe I’m just really stubborn. Since the pandemic hit I haven’t really been out. I furniture walk in my house and use the steadiness of one of my adult children’s arm. Perhaps why they’re encouraging a wheelchair? My husband doesn’t mind walking out with me so I feel like it’s one more thing in my house I simply won’t use or I’m just not ready for a wheelchair. No.. I’m just stubborn! My symptoms declined rapidly too. That’s what prompted my husband to insist I see a neurologist. I was doing my own physical therapy and exercise. I have plateaued since my diagnosis. My biggest issue is weight loss. I can’t eat. It’s painful to swallow and digest. Almost feels like the food gets stuck in my chest. Takes me forever to eat a meal then I’m full after a few bites. Yes I know ensure, but to me it tastes gross. I sound so whiny. My apologies. Thank you for the clarification!

Lucycord123 profile image
Lucycord123 in reply to Jessie70

Hi Jessie,

I totally empathise with your stubbornness to succumb to a wheelchair, my mum was like that before she died. She died was she was 49. My uncles died aged 39, 51 and 52. My nans died when she was 56, my great uncle when he was 54. It sounds weird but it's comforting to me to read and connect with people older on this who suffer from SCA as my family seen to pass away early. SCA2 runs in my family. I'm 32 and having to consider a stick now as my balance is shit and I'm getting funny looks

I'm a social worker to trade and was recently visiting a prison when a prison guard was abit of a dick to me, asking if I was OK whilst scowling at me suspiciously. None the wiser I suppose but it does get to you. What's SCA do you have? If you know?

I can relate to having a temper, mostly frustrated I suppose as I'm absolutely sick of smashing glasses, forgetting my words and thoughts etc.

Is there anything you take that helps you such as suppliments or CBD etc?

Lucy xx

Jessie70 profile image
Jessie70 in reply to Lucycord123

Hi. I started with a cane in my 40s but I was coming off crutches due to a broken leg. I’m so clumsy....🙄 I walk like I’m drunk so I would get the looks too. I don’t have a cause for my ataxia. They did every test available. I was happy it’s not in my genes. I have 3 adult children. I spoke to a neurologist and discussed head trauma. My brain atrophy starts higher. I don’t have my medical records in front of me so I’m repeating this not verbatim. My first car accident that I remember I was about 5 years old. I was in the front seat, no seatbelt, it was the 70s so no judgment on my pops. 😜after a Venn diagram and a 45 minute discussion she thought it was possible. I have no other issues and I wish I could say it was from drinking. Sadly, I’m a lightweight. Yes, the girl puking in the corner explaining how I’m not drunk. This forum is wonderful. I’m in America, yes you can feel sorry for me, praying he’s gone in 36 days. People here have no clue about ataxia including me. I honestly don’t know all the acronyms. I was a licensed sign language interpreter and really it was my walking/falling that forced me into retirement. Sorry, tangent. So yea 2 brothers, Deaf parents, AWESOME childhood! But I was also an idiot. Double digits for broken bones. It’s really not that far of stretch to say I was just clumsy. I truly believe that it’s head trauma. CBD is a waste of money. Weed is legal here, Chicago,Illinois. I’m on narcotics for pain so I no longer indulge.

Lucycord123 profile image
Lucycord123 in reply to Jessie70

Aw wow!! I thought I was reading Americanisms lol yeah that would be relief if it isn't in your genes... Really hope you get answers


Fortoday profile image

Im nearly identical but no hubby etc

Digestion totally spastic hsp term!! Just eat small meals now

Wheelchairs in cupboard

Sick of it all as a condition


Fortoday profile image

Anyone any experience of way forward??

Endured 2 days of tests as inpatient after 3 yrs of decline

Received "all normal" brain...spine...bloods etc from ataxia clinic


Not had physical exam

Chronic speech mobility falls....all function

Left with telephone follow up 2 weeks

Letter says contact if need to

Sent letter asking for physical exam

V v low

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