I have CA - cause unknown. My CRP blood level has always been around 7-8, should be >1. My GP is looking for the cause of the inflammation. My question is - does ataxia cause inflammation? or could it be some unknown infection is causing the ataxia?
Inflammation: I have CA - cause unknown. My CRP... - Ataxia UK
🤔 It depends on the type of ataxia diagnosed. You really need a Neurologists opinion.
Agree with wobblybee, ask to see a specialist? Sheffield has tests and experience that other Neurologists do not routinely have. I have inflammation, I suspect a lot of people do, the tests helped.
This may or may not be relevant but my son's ESR (also inflammation marker) was 13 at one point. About a year after we went gluten free he was retested and his ESR was just 2.
In his case the diet helped to slow down progress of neurological problems.
It is early days in regard to research that is being conducted into inflammation and it's role in many conditions. There is speculation, based on recent studies, that brain inflammation impacts many brain conditions/diseases, from Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS and even depression.
Given recent and continuing discoveries in regard to the gut/brain axis, the microbiome and the vagus nerve, my hunch is that we're on the cusp of discovering how diet, psyche and lifestyle play a significant role in SCA.