My partner after 2 years put a letter on the bosses desk to reveal his health problems a week ago..Within 7 days we have been to the Occupational Health doctor and for the last week he has been sat in the works canteen for 8 hours a day.Nobody telling him what he supposed to do for work as he has been took straight off the truck he is usually one of 3 crew which I can understand but he surely can be given something to do.Hopefully they will tell him soon if he can continue to work and not retire him on ill health.Its now starting to stress him and the facial and head tremors are back.Thankyou city council.......NOT.
Life changes.: My partner after 2 years put a... - Ataxia UK
Life changes.

I will hope for the best, that the work situation will work out. In my case, it did. After I was straight up about my Ataxia problem, which was giving me mild, but noticeable symptoms, at the time, I was placed in a better job, that was easier on me physically, but required more mental/thinking skills. Wishing you the best!
Sorry this has happened. I was working for a small rural business, up until last year, and I could not do the job, without help from others. A hernia op gave me the chance to "retire" at 58, if I had not, who knows what would have happened in the long run.The way I see it, is if your husband had been driving, he would have had to stop, because its an insurance risk, one that a big organisation, like a council would have to take, covering them selves and the public" just incase". I personaly notified the DVLA, and they just said it was ok to drive BUT renewed my full license that was meant to be for a long time, to one that lasts just 3 years (2 1/2 now)
Atleast he's got a job? Sometimes I wish I had a job,but then think about all the problems I would have and am glad I haven't.
I'm so sorry this has happened to you partner. Sounds (in my very humble opinion) like management doesn't know what to do, although he deserves an answer! I give him much credit for writing a letter to his boss, as I'm certain this, in itself, was stressful! Can he talk with his boss for clarification? I worked for 3 additional years with my ataxia (28 years total when I retired 12 years ago), but because my ataxia was progressing and interferring with my job, I finally had to retire. My best to you both...;o)
Hi.Sorry to hear your story.Its a difficult situation.Ive been thru the process this year as i worked for a major transportation company.The occupational health doctor should of told employers what work your partner can still undertake?If any?I have ea2 ataxia and my bosses did not know what to do either as they had never dealt with condition before.You can check out reasonable adjustment with finding another role your partner maybe able to do.I dont want to say too much unless you wish to ask as every persons symptons can be different which effect your limitations too greater or lesser effect. Good luck.